Michael Engelhard
Headshot of Michael Engelhard

Michael Engelhard, MBA

Managing Director, Local and Regional Managed Care Organizations

Health Management Associates

Los Angeles, CA

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Phone (213) 314-9091

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An accomplished health plan executive, Michael Engelhard has more than 30 years of executive, operational and financial leadership experience in healthcare, banking, and business services. He has a keen understanding of all aspects of publicly funded healthcare programs. A strategic thinker, he knows how to strengthen an organization’s business operations and outcomes.

Michael is a managing principal in HMA’s Los Angeles office. During his tenure at HMA, he has led an array of projects, including strategic planning for multiple California-based Medi-Cal plans where he restructured a health plan’s internal finance and accounting department. He also led the redesign of delivery systems serving Medi-Cal and medically indigent populations, developed clinic system strategy involving service area expansion and advised a provider group and provider association regarding Medicaid program policy and reimbursement.

In addition, his work has supported multiple Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations regarding expansion and rate setting. He has worked on several compliance-focused projects, including three mock-audit projects to help health plans prepare for regulatory audits. He led the mock audit team that prepared a Medi-Cal managed care plan for a state go-live readiness review.

Michael’s skills include organizational leadership, strategy and strategic planning, financial analysis and modeling, rate setting, Medi-Cal and Medicare program design and expertise, and program compliance.

Prior to joining HMA, Michael served as chief executive officer at Gold Coast Health Plan. He oversaw all aspects of the plan’s operations, including board, regulatory, finance and community relations. He was charged with ensuring members had access to quality healthcare and that services were delivered in a cost-effective manner. He hired a new leadership team, improved state and board relations, and guided the plan to financial, operational, and healthcare quality improvement while increasing compliance and oversight capabilities at the plan. He also revamped the entire compliance department and processes to institute the Office of Inspector General’s seven elements of an effective compliance program.

Michael previously served as chief financial officer and treasurer at CalOptima, a Medi-Cal plan in Orange County. In this role, he led the plan’s finance, treasury, accounting, procurement, and actuarial services. As treasurer, he served as acting chairman of the Board of Directors’ Investment Committee.

Prior to CalOptima, Michael worked at Health Net, Inc., in multiple positions, including vice president and regional finance officer for the company’s senior products division, and as Health Net’s vice president of investor relations.

He began his career as a nuclear engineer working for the Bechtel Corporation in San Francisco, California.

Michael earned his Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in finance from Columbia Business School in New York City. He received his bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering from University of California at Santa Barbara.

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