Mary Hegemann, FSA, MAAA
Executive Vice President
Wakely Consulting Group
[javascript protected email address]
(720) 226-9802
Mary Hegemann, FSA, MAAA, has over 20 years of experience as a healthcare actuary. During this time, she has gained extensive experience as the appointed actuary certifying year-end financial statements for health plans with Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and ACA commercial business. Mary has also managed and certified Medicare Advantage plans, Parts C and D, consistently for the last 14 years. Medicare certifications have included general enrollment, dual-SNP, chronic-SNP, and institutional-SNP plans. Her experience has also included certifying ACA commercial rate filings in over 10 states and certifying Medicaid capitation rates for managed care organizations and risk-bearing FQHCs in six states. Mary has developed and implemented risk score methodologies in her work with Medicaid managed care programs, including creation of risk adjustment for infants.
Mary has helped open and manage the Denver and Minneapolis Wakely offices since 2008.