Lilia Teninty
Headshot of Lilia Teninty

Lilia Teninty


Burns & Associates

Portland, OR

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Lilia Teninty is a proven leader with a demonstrated record of implementing vision driven systems change initiatives, collaborating with advocates and community partners, and effectively managing staff and budgets to achieve outcomes. 

Prior to joining HMA, Lilia was the director in the Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS) in Oregon. She managed a $3.8 billion biannual budget and led efforts to appropriately distribute over $160 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to improve services to 31,000 adults and children. She oversaw COVID-19 and emergency response efforts for the intellectual and development disabilities (IDD) system and led efforts to develop a new assessment tool that informs payment models for home and communitybased services. Lilia implemented an outcome-based funding methodology for I/DD employment services, identified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a best practice. She prepared and delivered public testimony before legislative committees on the budget, new rate methodologies and other topics. 

As a senior policy analyst with the Human Services Research Institute (HRSI), Lilia provided strategic leadership and consultation focused on federal funding opportunities and program improvements. She developed budgets, managed fiscal reporting and invoicing for projects, and facilitated processes for strategic planning and implementation efforts with clients. Lilia also served as a consultant for CMS to advise states on implementation of self-directed budgets for people with disabilities. In her role as director with the Division of Developmental Disabilities with the state of Illinois, she oversaw a $1.3 billion annual budget for services to 30,000 children and adults.  

Lilia’s ability to support clients as they plan and implement projects to help people achieve full lives while recognizing all aspects of health and wellbeing makes her a trusted and valued resource. 

Lilia has a Bachelor of Arts in international relations from Mills College and a Master of Public Affairs in public and non-profit management from Indiana University. 

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