Jason Silva
Headshot of Jason Silva

Jason Silva, JD, PMP

Associate Principal

Health Management Associates

Sacramento, CA

Email [javascript protected email address]

Phone (916) 446-4601

Jason Silva has significant compliance expertise and experience with managed care and dual eligible populations.

Prior to joining HMA, Jason was with Health Net, Inc., one of the managed care organizations (MCOs) selected by California to serve as a Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) for the state’s dual eligible demonstration (known as Cal MediConnect) in both Los Angeles and San Diego counties.

Jason served as Health Net’s MMP point person for the federal and state regulators. He primarily worked on Medicare and Medicaid compliance, specifically focusing on dual eligible demonstrations, Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs), and Managed Long-term Services and Supports (MLTSS). He also served as the lead Health Net dual eligible compliance resource, and was involved with a diverse set of stakeholders, including advocates, regulators, and beneficiaries.

Jason’s background includes extensive work in the healthcare, insurance, and investment management industries. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP), and has managed manifold enterprise-wide IT projects.

He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of California, San Diego and his JD from the University of Wisconsin Law School. Jason is admitted to the State Bar of Wisconsin.

Jason is a political junkie and a baseball fanatic.

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