Elizabeth Wolff
Headshot of Elizabeth Wolff

Elizabeth Wolff, MD, MPA


Health Management Associates

New York, NY

Email [javascript protected email address]

Phone (212) 575-5929

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Elizabeth Wolff, MD, MPA is a physician executive who utilizes her expertise in population health, quality improvement, and practice operations to transform primary care to align with value-based care.

She comes to Health Management Associates from Northwell Health, an $11B health system, where she served as the medical director for complex care management. In that role, she expanded care management to 40 primary care sites undergoing patient-centered medical home (PCMH) transformation, strategically realigned the team to prioritize patients in full-risk and other value-based arrangements and oversaw the integration of behavioral health services into 17 primary care practices.

Prior to her tenure at Northwell, Dr. Wolff held numerous leadership positions in public health, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), and not-for-profit health systems and oversaw clinical quality and operations. She chaired evidence-based medicine committees in both medical groups and Accountable Care Organizations to develop clinical standards and optimize electronic health records. She negotiated quality metrics with health plans and strategically aligned provider quality incentives with payer contracts with significant improvements in diabetes care and colorectal cancer screening.

Since joining HMA, Dr. Wolff has assisted primary care practices to implement behavior health integration, create care teams, develop care management programs, and optimize clinical operations.  She has coached primary care practices in their implementation of substance use disorder screening and medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorders. With an expertise in quality improvement, she has helped behavioral health independent practice associations (IPA) create quality improvement infrastructures.

Dr. Wolff graduated magna cum laude from the College of William and Mary. She attended medical school at Weill Cornell Medical College and received a Master of Public Administration at New York University Wagner School of Public Service. Dr. Wolff is a board-certified family physician and completed her residency at the University of Rochester.