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David Jacobs
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David Jacobs

Director, Learning and Development

Health Management Associates

Chicago, IL

Email djacobs@healthmanagement.com

David Jacobs is an experienced professional specializing in learning and development, project management, and team leadership.  

As the director of learning and development at HMA, David designs and delivers comprehensive training programs across a variety of modalities using the latest in industry methodologies.  He manages a learning management system (LMS) for both internal and external clients, measures effectiveness using innovative metrics, and uses that data to drive the continual development of training products that connect with adult learners.  

Prior to joining HMA, David was the senior director of learning and development at the National Able Network. In this role, he set the learning strategy, led training development, and established key performance indicators. David also piloted and oversaw the implementation of a LearnDash-based LMS that provided training for internal employees and external clients of the firm. He also collaborated with stakeholders to meet client and employee learning needs and developed eLearning modules using Articulate 360. 

David previously led the IT Sector Center for the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, managed operations at MicroTrain Technologies, and led special projects in enterprise resource planning (ERP) design and implementation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in telecommunications from Michigan State University. 

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