Craig Schneider
Headshot of Craig Schneider

Craig Schneider


Health Management Associates

Boston, MA

Email [javascript protected email address]

Phone (857) 317-3579

Craig Schneider is a leader in developing and implementing payment reform strategies, promoting all-payer claims databases (APCDs), and engaging stakeholders across the health care system to improve care and value for more than 30 years. His work centers on consumer engagement and promoting efficiency and quality.

At HMA, Dr. Schneider has led and contributed to several projects that help state and federal agencies, community-based organizations, and health plans improve dashboards and analytics, Medicaid managed care, and value-based payment programs. He is currently serving as the project director for three projects: helping the New Mexico insurance department develop a hospital global budgets program; reviewing and updating the privacy and security policies and procedures for the Massachusetts Center for Health Information and Analysis; and pilot testing a new ambulatory surgical procedure. In addition, Dr. Schneider supports New Mexico in its stakeholder engagement efforts regarding a new primary care value-based payment initiative, assisting the Center for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Services to enhance its managed care review tools and processes, and serving as state lead for Connecticut and Massachusetts for the Peterson Center for Healthcare total cost of care initiative.

Prior to joining HMA, Dr. Schneider led several learning and diffusion projects for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center, including the Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport Learning System; the Accountable Health Communities (connecting clinical care to social determinants of health) Implementation, Monitoring, and Learning Systems project; and the Learning Systems for [Medicare] Accountable Care Organizations contract. He also led the final year of the Merit-Based Incentives Program Quality Payment Program central support contract for small, under-served, and rural providers. Further, he worked on two projects for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.

As director of health policy at the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium, he led several workgroups including the Chief Information Officers Forum, organized the first national conference on APCDs, and several other conferences including the two Governor’s Conferences on health IT. Previously, Dr. Schneider worked at the CMS Boston Regional Office on provider reimbursement, quality improvement, beneficiary services and outreach, and health care reform for 14 years. He was appointed the CMS representative to the teams that developed the Bridges to Excellence and Prometheus pay-for-performance programs.

Dr. Schneider is active in the national and regional chapter of the Health Information Management and Systems Society as well as in National Association of Health Data Organizations.

Dr. Schneider has a doctorate in health policy from the Brandeis University Heller School for Social Policy. He also has a master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in public management and a bachelor’s degree in English from Boston University.

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