Chip Cantrell
Health Management Associates
Atlanta, GA
[javascript protected email address]
(404) 522-0442
Chip Cantrell’s broad knowledge base and front line experience means he knows how to help clients manage today’s moving pieces to form a clear picture for tomorrow’s success.
An accomplished senior consultant, his expertise includes Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) and Medicaid managed care program implementations, Request for Proposal (RFP) development, and organization and process design. He is experienced in project, operations, and vendor management; training development and delivery; and customer service and call center operations.
Prior to joining HMA, Chip was a Senior Consultant with Cognosante, where he served as Executive Director for the Bureau of TennCare, Tennessee Member Service Center. He was responsible for implementation and operation of the Tennessee Health Connection, delivering eligibility services for the TennCare and CoverKids programs. He also directed the management and operation of its multi-modal call center, application processing, and document management services.
As a consultant, Chip has served in a variety of capacities for a number of state health departments. He was responsible for leading several projects supporting the design, procurement, development, and implementation of various eligibility systems.
Previously Chip served in various roles during his tenure with the Georgia Department of Community Health, including Deputy Chief for the Office of Managed Care and Quality and Project Coordinator in the Office of Information Technology. He also has headed up marketing communications for a non-emergency medical transportation management company and served as the public sector product director for an information and technology-enabled health services business.
Chip received his Project Management Master’s Certificate from Stevens Institute of Technology and has attended Farleigh Dickinson University and Clayton State College where he studied sociology and business administration, respectively.
Chip is the biggest University of Arizona Wildcat basketball fan that is not an alumnus and has never lived in Arizona.
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