Weekly Roundup

March 3, 2021

In Focus:

Health Management Associates Provides Updates in 2021 Federal Healthcare Policy Landscape


Arkansas Lawmakers Introduce Medicaid Work Incentive Bill
Hawaii Releases RFP for Medicaid Dental TPA
Louisiana Governor Proposes Budget Without Medicaid Cuts
Missouri Medicaid Director to Take Leave of Absence
New Jersey Medicaid Bill To Cover Undocumented Immigrants
New York Delays Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit Carve-Out
Rhode Island Releases Medicaid Managed Care RFI
Texas Projects Medicaid Caseloads to Fall 8 Percent
Vermont Has RFI For SUD Treatment, Recovery Coordination
House Lawmakers Reintroduce Telehealth Bill
Medicaid Plans Look to Address Risk Corridor Exposure
CMS Delays Medicare Geographic Direct Contracting Model


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