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Webinar Replay: Telehealth and the COVID-19 Response: Policy Changes and Implementation Strategies

This webinar was held on March 31, 2020

Telehealth services have become a key strategy for expanding access to care during the COVID-19 pandemic, driven in part by significant changes in laws and regulations to encourage the adoption of technologies that support telehealth. With these rapid changes, providers are struggling to understand how to best serve their patients using telehealth technologies.

During this webinar, HMA experts described the different modalities of telehealth and laid out the policy and reimbursement implications for the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Speakers detailed changes to HIPAA enforcement and policy changes that ensure ongoing support for prescribers and recipients of controlled substances. The webinar also reviewed how recent policy changes impact key provider decisions with regards to selecting, implementing, and building a business case for new telehealth services to support patients during the pandemic.

As mentioned in the webinar, the Telehealth Readiness Questionnaire is also available.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the different modalities of telehealth services and how to bill for them.
  • Find out about recent changes in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement policy stemming from the COVID-19 response.
  • Learn the key steps in selecting a telehealth platform, building a business case, adapting workflows, and other implications for physician practices.

HMA Speakers

Jean Glossa, MD, Managing Principal for Clinical Services, Washington, DC

David Bergman, MPA, Principal, New York

Zach Gaumer, Senior Consultant, Washington, DC


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