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Webinar Replay: The future of healthcare quality improvement

This webinar was held on November 2, 2021. 

The future of quality improvement is continuously changing, especially within the clinical and member experience space. New and emerging technologies like Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) certification, Natural Language Processing (NLP), digital measurement, member engagement platforms, and new health disparities stratifications are entering the Medicare and Medicaid quality space at a growing rate. This webinar looked at trends in Medicare/Medicaid quality and addressed how new and emerging quality technologies are positioned to help organizations improve their quality scores at multiple levels.

Learning Objectives

  • Find out how new and emerging quality concepts can be used to improve quality scores and better engage within the health plan and provider space.
  • Learn how to take advantage of trends within the Medicare and Medicaid quality space to position your organization for success.
  • Understand key factors impacting quality improvement scores such as HEDIS and CAHPS.
  • Identify emerging technologies like DAV certification, NLP, digital measurement, new member engagement platforms, and new health disparities stratifications.


Anthony Davis, HMA Managing Director, Quality and Accreditation Services


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