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Webinar replay: Opportunities for advancing Minnesota’s behavioral health crisis systems and services

This webinar was held on October 5, 2022.

With the help of newly available federal funding, states like Minnesota are poised to dramatically advance crisis systems and services to address the needs of individuals who experience behavioral health crises. During this webinar, speakers provided an overview of key behavioral health crisis initiatives nationwide, including a look at specific community efforts that can inform the development of improved systems and services in Minnesota.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the differences between crisis systems and crisis services.
  • Find out how communities are advancing crisis systems and services by leveraging national opportunities.
  • Assess the implications of SAMHSA’s focus on block grant funding for crisis services.
  • Learn how the new national 988 call number and allocations for 988 infrastructure support can drive improved crisis response.


Sue Abderholden, Executive Director, NAMI-MN
Suzanne Rabideau, Senior Consultant, HMA
Robin Trush, Principal, HMA
John Volpe, Principal, HMA


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