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Webinar Replay: Nursing Home Revenue Diversification and Care Options Series: Exploring Medicare Advantage as an Alternative Revenue Source for Post-Acute Providers

This webinar was held on July 17, 2020.

Even before COVID-19, post-acute providers such as nursing homes struggled with inadequate reimbursement rates and declining occupancy rates. This, along with additional stressors brought on by the pandemic, has led many nursing homes to consider revenue diversification and service expansion strategies. During this webinar (the first in a series), HMA Medicare Advantage and long-term care experts addressed two such options for nursing homes: Medicare Advantage Institutional Special Needs Plans (I-SNP) and Institutional-Equivalent Special Needs Plans (IE-SNP).

Learning Objectives

  • Understand Medicare Advantage, its significance and its growth
  • Identify types of Medicare Advantage options for residents and community-based beneficiaries
  • Explore how Medicare Advantage can serve as a potential revenue diversification strategy
  • Learn about the benefits and risks of   Medicare Advantage, in particular for I-SNPs
  • Identify how to assess if an I-SNP or an IE-SNP is the right opportunity for your organization

HMA Speakers

Mary Hsieh, Managing Principal, Atlanta, GA
Susan Tucker, Principal, Tallahassee, FL


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