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Webinar replay: Medicaid authority and opportunity to build new programs for justice-involved individuals

This webinar was held on April 6, 2023.

This webinar was designed to help states and other stakeholders understand the section 1115 parameters and that will provide insight to states, local government, carceral care settings and providers on how to best plan for implementing such services.

Why this is important:

On January 26, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved California’s (CA) section 1115 request to cover targeted healthcare services for incarcerated individuals 90 days before release. This historical partial rollback of the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy empowers the CA Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to collaborate with state agencies, counties, and community-based organizations to create coordinated community reentry services focused on persons transitioning from incarceration to community that provide physical and behavioral healthcare services.

Fourteen states have pending section 1115 demonstration requests:

These requests include specific healthcare services for justice-involved individuals. CMS has indicated it will be issuing guidance on the coverage parameters for healthcare services for individuals transitioning from carceral settings.  These efforts allow states, counties, and cities to build coordinated systems of healthcare care to support reentry.  Building such systems requires infrastructure development and enhancement, stakeholder engagement, strategic planning, and project and change management across justice partners, health plans, and community-based organizations.

Additional resources:

Meet our HMA speakers

Headshot of Linda Follenweider

Linda Follenweider, MS, APRN

Managing Director, Justice Involved Services
Chicago, IL
Headshot of Tonya Moore

Tonya Moore, JD

Associate Principal
Baltimore, MD
Headshot of Margaret Tatar

Margaret Tatar, JD

Vice President, Client Solutions
Sacramento, CA
Headshot of John Volpe

John Volpe, LCSW

New York, NY
Headshot of Julie White

Julie White

Boston, MA
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