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Webinar Replay – Health Performance Accelerator Webinar Series: Optimizing Your Communicable Disease Outbreak Management

This webinar was held on September 3, 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the challenges faced by state and local data management and analytics infrastructures in preventing and responding to infectious disease outbreaks. During this webinar, experts from HMA and HealthEC provided a framework for how states and local jurisdictions can leverage data to prevent major disease outbreaks and implement targeted strategies to address outbreaks when they occur.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how data and analytics infrastructures can be used to help prevent infectious disease outbreaks.
  • Learn about surveillance capabilities, including “early warning” capabilities, made possible by more robust contact tracing functionality and Internet-enabled devices, such as thermometers and remote monitoring systems.
  • Explore response management capabilities, such as robust real-time adaptive modeling that can drive resource allocation and deployment.
  • Understand risk stratification and predictive modeling which supports smart pre-deployment of outreach to vulnerable populations.


Liddy Garcia-Bunuel, Principal, HMA
Jennifer Leaf Jaeger, MD, MPH, MS, HealthEC, Senior Medical Director


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