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Webinar Replay: Health Equity and Enlightened Leadership in the Shadows of COVID-19: A Conversation with Jay Bhatt, D.O.

This webinar was held on April 30, 2020.

True health system innovation and transformation requires the type of enlightened leadership that understands the nature and role of health equity and social justice. That’s especially true in the shadows of COVID-19, when disparities are heightened, and a strong vision is needed to progress toward the elimination of health inequities.

During this webinar, Jay Bhatt, D.O., a practicing internist and past chief medical officer of the American Hospital Association, engaged in a spirited conversation with HMA health system transformation and leadership expert Jeffrey Ring about the role of strong leadership in health system transformation and healthcare justice.

 Learning Objectives

  • Explore the concept of health equity, including a look at how inequities are heightened in the era of COVID-19.
  • Understand the concept of enlightened leadership and its role in achieving optimal healthcare delivery.
  • Gain insight into how the fallout from COVID-19 will impact our understanding of healthcare justice.


Jay Bhatt, D.O., practicing internist; Past SVP, and Chief Medical Officer, American Hospital Association; Past President, Health Research and Educational Trust
Jeffrey Ring, PhD, Principal and Health Psychologist, Health Management Associates

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