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HMA knows rural.

Some 47 to 60 million people live in rural areas in the U.S. Many rural residents must navigate healthcare system challenges people living in urban and suburban areas generally do not face. Developing and supporting rural health programs requires understanding the unique characteristics of rural settings and how these dynamics influence healthcare policy, providers, payers, consumers, and health equity.

HMA understands the multilevel challenges for delivery of quality healthcare and social services to rural populations. From workforce concerns to access issues such as lack of services, transportation difficulties, and socio-economic barriers, we know the difficulties that often keep rural providers and organizations from achieving their full potential to serve and support their communities’ needs.

Changing dynamics in many rural areas also create the need for building awareness and understanding of issues of equity and reducing disparities and how to effectively address them in rural communities. HMA has the hands-on knowledge for practical solutions.

HMA brings together industry-leading policy, program, financial, community, and clinical experts to provide comprehensive solutions that make healthcare and human services work better for people living in rural and frontier areas across the country. With deep experience and through skilled analysis, guidance and technical know-how, our consultants help a wide range of clients successfully navigate the healthcare space. Our team is more than 900 members strong and growing, with expertise that spans the healthcare industry and stretches across the nation.

We offer a full suite of professional health and human services consulting services to clients serving rural and frontier communities, such as:

Critical Access and PPS Hospitals

Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, & Provider Practice Groups

Health Plans

National, Regional and Statewide Associations

Federal, State, & Local Governments

Tribal nations & Tribal Health Organizations

Community Based Organizations


Our national, multisector, multisystem experience in healthcare and human services enhances our ability to support rural clients in making sustainable, positive impacts in their local communities. Whether your project has run into a snag in the final stages or hasn’t even gotten off the ground, we can provide the expertise and guidance to help you make it a success.

Our areas of expertise include:


Behavioral Health

Care Integration

Clinical Services

Community Strategies

Crisis Systems & 988

Government Programs & the Uninsured

Healthcare Actuarial Services

Healthcare Delivery Development & Redesign

Healthcare IT Advisory Services

Investment Services

Justice-Involved Healthcare

Long-Term Services & Supports

Managed Care

Opioid Crisis Response

Public Health

Quality and Accreditation Services

Value-Based Care

Workforce development


Health Equity & Access for Rural Dually Eligible Individuals (HEARD) Toolkit

With funding from Arnold Ventures, HMA created the HEARD Toolkit, a robust discussion of the access challenges facing dually eligible individuals in rural areas and a portfolio of actionable solutions to address these challenges. Dually eligible individuals in rural areas reside at the intersection of a major public health crisis and a fragmented Medicaid and Medicare delivery system. They experience poor access to services and to integrated care programs (ICPs) to address their whole person needs.

HMA designed this Toolkit to help policymakers address access issue dually eligible individuals in rural areas have to navigate every day. For example, addressing access must encompass getting to a comprehensive Medicaid and Medicare services continuum that includes home- and community-based services (HBCS), as well as ICPs. A primary focus on equity can help states, local communities, payers, and providers begin to address issues of access for these very vulnerable individuals in rural communities. The Toolkit provides examples and ideas for rural providers and communities to address equity and improve services and supports for dually eligible individuals.

Learn more about the Toolkit

For example, HMA can assist rural communities and the organizations that support their needs with:

Rural-specific workforce solutions

Programs addressing Social Determinants of Health/Health-related Social Needs

Payment system reforms

Development of integrated care programs for Dual Eligibles

Substance Use Disorder/Opioid Use Disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services

Behavioral health services and supports

Justice-involved carceral healthcare and transitions

Long-term services and supports and home and community-based services

HMA understands the multilevel challenges for delivery of quality health care and social services to rural populations. From workforce and care access issues to transportation difficulties and technology barriers, to socio-economic differences, we can help rural providers and organizations overcome challenges and achieve their goals to serve and support their communities’ needs.

Other Rural Health Project Examples:

HMA is supporting review and reform of the primary care payment environment in New Mexico working under a contract with Mercer. New Mexico’s Medicaid program had identified multiple challenges the primary care providers faced across the state, including rural sustainability and fiscal soundness. HMA’s approach includes coupling data analysis with stakeholder engagement. Our work to date includes designing, testing, and evaluating new primary care alternative payment models (APMs); fiscal, policy, and/or programmatic implementation recommendations related to the multi-payor roll-out of a primary care APM; and supporting primary care practitioners related to NM Medicaid APM implementation. Additional project work will include more provider specific analysis, recruitment for pilot testing and provide education, analysis and training for providers, health plans and state regulators.

HMA is working with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to perform a dynamic heat mapping as the first phase of a three-phase project that includes an environmental scan of home and community-based services (HCBS)/Medicaid. HMA is creating a tool that HCPF can leverage to update and track progress to close provider gaps. In subsequent work HMA will identify potential geographic regions which would benefit from reimbursement structure changes, including geographic adjustment factors to apply to preexisting fee-for-service rates or other mechanisms to effectively address identified care gaps. Based on these results, HMA will recommend strategies and best practices to expand the provider network in rural areas to avoid care deserts and assure access to services for all Medicaid members.

Over the past six years, HMA has supported tribal communities in Montana with an array of data and evaluation expertise specific to behavioral health system assessments and evaluation activities. To date, we have conducted feasibility assessments for tribes considering options to 638 their behavioral health services, evaluated high-fidelity wraparound services in tribal communities through the Montana Systems of Care program, supported efforts to discern a concept design for a joint tribally operated Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Continuum of Care, and assisted tribally operated clinics in best practices in opioid prescribing and addiction treatment.

The Georgia Health Policy Center provides technical assistance for grantees of HRSA’s Rural Health Programs. HMA created a primer and additional tools, including a webinar, designed to inform and support rural provider leadership on Value-Based Care. The primer serves as a self-paced guide helping organizations consider national trends and experiences, assess their current state and readiness, understand benefits and barriers of Value-Based Care. The primer and tools are used by the technical assistance team and rural health grantees.

HMA has worked with HSHS for over 10 years, providing a wide range of services including:

Grant surveillance related to strategic plans, project management, grant program development, and narrative writing for multiple state and federal grants including USDA, HRSA, and SAMHSA. 

Expanding access to medication assisted treatment (MAT) in emergency departments by activating a team of HMA experts to implement a global assessment of readiness to adopt MAT, create a comprehensive training curriculum, assist with development of policies, workflows and standardized orders; and provide technical assistance required to address stigma and implement change. HMA also aided in writing the successful proposal for state funding for this project.

Stakeholder engagement for a hub-and-spoke model of telehealth network, assessed strategic priorities across multiple diverse stakeholders, and developed a strategic plan for HSHS’ Wisconsin rural healthcare provider telehealth network.

Development of the Illinois Telehealth network composed of 21 rural healthcare providers across Illinois. HMA provided technical expertise on the adoption of telehealth services and the development of clinical protocols and led strategic planning efforts. The network now functions to support the members in disseminating best practices, implementing telehealth service lines, sharing clinical protocols, removing barriers, and promoting evaluation.

HMA is currently assisting HSHS’ rural behavioral health team in devising new models of community-based withdrawal management processes consistent with recent changes in Wisconsin’s regulations. HMA experts on residential substance use disorder and integrated care provide technical assistance, training, and evidence-based policy development.

HMA supported the Texas Department of Agriculture, State Office of Rural Health (SORH) by leading SORH’s three-year strategic plan and design future programs. For the needs assessment, HMA conducted a systematic assessment that included an environmental scan of rural health key issues and trends, online survey of rural Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and prospective payment systems (PPS) hospitals in Texas identify needs and gaps, and an analysis of publicly available data to identify health needs and differences between rural and urban residents. Informed by this assessment and close collaboration with SORH staff, HMA developed a strategic plan to guide the next three years of SORH’s programming, as well as created work and evaluation plans for the SORH and Flex grant programs. Other tasks included assessment of Texas rural hospital telemedicine readiness, recommendations for value-based payment models for rural hospitals, and opportunities to support rural hospitals in reducing health disparities.

Our depth and breadth of experience has helped a diverse range of healthcare industry leaders focused on rural and frontier areas. What can we do for you?

Contact our experts:

Headshot of Kathleen Cahill

Kathleen Cahill

Associate Principal

Kathleen Cahill is a solutions-driven C-Suite executive with more than 40 years of experience in healthcare operations, working for entities … Read more
Headshot of Ken Cochran

Kenneth Cochran


Kenneth Cochran is a healthcare executive with more than 20 years leveraging his clinical, business and academic background to deliver … Read more
Headshot of Dan Castillo

Dan Castillo

Managing Principal

Dan Castillo is a seasoned healthcare executive with over 20 years of experience in health administration. He specializes in health … Read more
Headshot of Shannon Joseph

Shannon Brown Joseph

Senior Consultant

Shannon Brown Joseph is a dynamic and accomplished workforce development liaison with experience in federal and state funded programs, diversity … Read more
Headshot of Rebecca Kellenberger

Rebecca Kellenberg


Rebecca Kellenberg specializes in assisting public and private health care organizations with Medicaid and CHIP policy analysis and implementation. With … Read more
Headshot of Jill Kemper

Jill Kemper

Associate Principal

Jill Kemper has extensive experience improving access to care and care delivery, especially for vulnerable or complex patient populations and … Read more
Headshot of Margaret Kirkegaard

Margaret Kirkegaard


Dr. Margaret Kirkegaard has extensive front line experience and an impressive breadth of knowledge about healthcare and its delivery. A … Read more
Headshot of Sarah Oachs

Sarah Oachs

Associate Principal

A collaborative health and human services professional, Sarah Oachs has vast experience in organizational leadership and assessments, operations management, and … Read more
Headshot of Bill Snyder

Bill Snyder


Headshot of Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

Associate Principal

A multi-disciplinary public health leader, Emily Wilson is passionate about bringing people together to solve the most pressing problems in … Read more
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