This webinar was held on June 3, 2021.
People who use stimulants may experience a range of negative health outcomes, including cardiovascular events, increased risk of acquiring or spreading HIV and Hepatitis C, dental problems, violent behavior, psychotic symptoms, and overdose. Fortunately, an impressive array of evidence-based treatments and harm reduction strategies are available to help individuals address stimulant use and addiction.
During this webinar, HMA behavioral health experts outlined proven interventions, including motivational interviewing, cognitive behavior therapy, contingency management, and community reinforcement therapy. Speakers also discussed recent HIV outbreak clusters and harm reduction efforts.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the risks associated with stimulant use, including the likelihood of overdose, heightened susceptibility to certain physical and behavioral health conditions, and risk of diseases transmitted sexually or through needles.
- Review the impressive results achieved with evidence-based treatment strategies, including motivational interviewing, cognitive behavior therapy, contingency management, and community reinforcement therapy.
- Understand the importance of harm reduction interventions, including safe sex, pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis, overdose prevention education, and access to clean syringes, fentanyl test strips, and naloxone.
HMA Speakers
Charles Robbins, MBA, Principal, Los Angeles, CA
Shannon Robinson, MD, Principal, Costa Mesa, CA