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Brief & Report

HMA colleagues conduct environmental scan of NEMT benefit to Medicaid enrollees


As part of a larger Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) study on Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) in response to a request from the Senate Appropriations Committee, a team of HMA colleagues conducted a 50-state environmental scan of NEMT programs and stakeholder interviews to better understand approaches and trends in the provision of the NEMT benefit to Medicaid enrollees across the United States.

The culminating report included NEMT trends, challenges, and innovations drawn from the scan of programs and interviews with stakeholders including federal officials, Medicaid officials from six study states, NEMT brokers and providers, managed care companies, beneficiary advocates, and subject matter experts.

The key findings are outlined in the report and include information about:

  • NEMT populations and utilization
  • Various modes of transportation
  • NEMT delivery system model variations, advantages, and challenges
  • NEMT complaints, performance issues, and innovation
  • Performance improvement, oversight, and program integrity
  • Transportation network challenges and increasing role of transportation network companies
  • Coordination across federally assisted transportation services
  • Stakeholders’ view on the value and role of NEMT

In December 2020, following the completion of the interviews for this study, Congress added a requirement to the federal statute requiring states to provide NEMT to Medicaid beneficiaries who have no other means of transportation to medically necessary healthcare services.

The HMA team included Principals Sharon Silow-Carroll, MSW, MBA and Kathy Gifford, JD, Senior Consultant Carrie Rosenzweig, MPP, Consultants Anh Pham and Julie George, JD as well as retired Managing Principal Kathy Ryland.

The research underlying this report was completed with support from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC). The findings, statements, and views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of MACPAC.


Arizona Releases Competitive Contract Expansion (CCE) RFP

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This week, our In Focus section reviews the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Competitive Contract Expansion (CCE) request for proposals (RFP), released on August 4, 2021. The procurement will expand the current AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) Medicaid contracts to include responsibilities as an ACC Contractor (health plan) with a Regional Behavioral Health Agreement (ACC-RBHA).  At least one incumbent Medicaid ACC Contractor will be selected in each of the state’s three Geographic Service Areas (GSAs).  The responsibilities will include management of:

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Webinar Replay: Leveraging Your SAMHSA Certified Community Behavioral Health Center Grant

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This webinar, held on August 18, 2021, was the ninth webinar in the series “Exploring the Landscape of Behavioral Healthcare,” covering the growing impact of behavioral healthcare on clinical outcomes and cost.

Winning a SAMHSA Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC) grant is just the beginning.  Now the real work beings. During this webinar, SAMHSA grant experts and a previous grant winner provided a step-by-step guide to implementing and leveraging CCBHC grants for maximum results. Speakers addressed the key steps to achieving CCBHC certification, meeting SAMHSA grantee requirements, and strategically building toward sustainability beyond the two-year grant period.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn what makes the CCBHC grant opportunity unique.
  • Understand the activities and processes needed to help ensure a successful implementation.
  • Find out how to develop strategies that support long-term sustainability.
  • Obtain case studies and lessons learned from a previous CCBHC grantee.


Heidi Arthur, Principal, HMA, New York, NY

Kristan McIntosh, Senior Consultant, HMA, New York, NY

Melissa Jillson, Senior Director, Liberty Resources Inc., Syracuse, NY

Liz Krell, Assistant Director of Process Optimization, Liberty Resources Inc., Syracuse, NY


Senate infrastructure bill impacts U.S. healthcare system, Leavitt Partners analysis shows

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President Biden and Senator Majority Leader Schumer have been pursuing a two-track strategy to advance major policy objectives in 2021. The first track, the bipartisan “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,” passed the Senate 69-30. Attention now turns to the House, where Speaker Pelosi has indicated she will not consider the bill until the Senate passes a Democratic-only reconciliation bill – which is the second track in Democrats’ policy strategy. While the Senate vote reflects a major bipartisan milestone, the bill still faces a trip through the House of Representatives before it gets to President Biden’s desk.

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Webinar Replay: The Growing Role of Business Intelligence and Information Technology in State Medicaid Population Health Management Programs

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This webinar was held on August 5, 2021. 

State Medicaid agencies (SMAs) are increasingly relying on business intelligence platforms and other information technology (IT) solutions to provide the type of robust analytics needed for successful population health management programs. During this webinar, experts from Health Management Associates (HMA) and Cerner discussed the business intelligence and related IT needs of SMAs specific to population health management, based in part on the results of a recent, proprietary survey of SMAs.  Speakers also discussed how modern IT solutions can be leveraged to address these needs, especially in a world in which modularity and interoperability are king.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the major SMA drivers of IT investments in support of population health management goals and programs, including the need to better manage cost and improve outcomes among high acuity beneficiaries.
  • Identify common gaps in information technology and business intelligence capabilities at SMAs which can impact the success of population health management initiatives.
  • Find out how business intelligence platforms and information technology solutions can promote interstate and intrastate collaboration on population health management programs, including enterprise initiatives across Medicaid agencies and health and human services agencies.
  • Gain insights into the evolution of population health management analytics, business intelligence platforms, and IT solutions that promote modularity and interoperability.


Jake Engle, Senior Director, State Government, Cerner
Nathan Gray, Senior Manager, Information System Architecture, Cerner
Juan Montanez, Managing Director, IT Advisory Services, Health Management Associates


HMA prepares issue briefs exploring MLTSS impacts on state Medicaid programs

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This week, our In Focus section highlights a recent pair of reports prepared for Arizona for Better Medicaid. HMA colleagues examined the impact of managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) in state Medicaid programs. The first report, Growth in MLTSS and Impacts on Community-Based Care, examines the historical increase in the adoption of LTSS by state Medicaid programs and how that has contributed to a shift in long-term care from institutions to the community. The second report, Managed LTSS Improves Quality of Care, describes the evidence on the impact of managed LTSS in state Medicaid programs on the quality of care.

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