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How Can Technology Empower Human Connection in Healthcare?

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Tom Cochran, partner at 720 Strategies, is a renowned expert in digital communication and healthcare public relations. Tom reflects on the broader impact of digital tools, acknowledging both their potential to connect us and their unintended consequences, such as cognitive overload and societal fragmentation. The conversation highlights practical strategies for navigating transitions in leadership—whether in politics or healthcare—and emphasizes the importance of understanding, listening, and adapting communication strategies to fit the moment. Tom leaves us with a reminder of the irreplaceable value of face-to-face interaction in an increasingly digital world.


The Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration landscape: past trends and anticipated shifts

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This week’s In Focus section summarizes states’ Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration priorities over the last four years and highlights predicted changes coming with a new presidential administration. In the waning days of any presidency, regardless of party, reviewing and approving pending Section 1115 applications that reflect the current administration’s key policy initiatives is a priority for officials at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). 

Each administration has discretion over which Section 1115 demonstrations to encourage and approve. Though specific Medicaid priorities under the upcoming Trump Administration are still nascent, Health Management Associates, Inc. (HMA), federal, and state experts are monitoring these developments. This article describes a subset of the signature initiatives the Biden Administration permitted states to pursue in their Medicaid Section 1115 demonstrations and how the new administration could focus on different priorities, rescind existing guidance, or potentially withdraw already approved waivers. 

Overview of Biden-Era Section 1115 Demonstration Initiatives 

CMS-approved Section 1115 demonstrations permit alternative methods to improve the accessibility, coverage, financing, and delivery of healthcare services under joint federal-state funded programs, specifically Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 

Addressing health disparities and promoting integrated care in Medicaid became a primary focus of the Biden Administration. In November 2023, CMS introduced a Medicaid and CHIP Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Framework, giving state Medicaid agencies the opportunity to address the broader social determinants of health (SDOH) that affect their enrollees, leading to better health outcomes. The new initiatives were not intended to replace other federal, state, and local social service programs, but rather to coordinate with those efforts. HRSN demonstration approvals to date include coverage of rent/temporary housing and utilities for up to six months and nutrition support (up to three meals per day), departing from longstanding prohibitions on payment of room and board in Medicaid. 

During the present administration, CMS also has provided novel opportunities for states to adopt strategies that promote continuity of Medicaid coverage, mainly through bolstering Section 1115 demonstrations to provide multiyear continuous eligibility for children. In addition, CMS released guidance in April 2023 so states could apply for a new Section 1115 demonstration opportunity to test transition-related strategies that support community reentry for incarcerated people who would otherwise be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. 

The table and map below show the types of demonstrations approved and pending to date. We anticipate that incoming administration officials will closely examine the four demonstration initiatives outlined as they determine their own Medicaid policy agenda and priorities. Under President Biden’s Administration, nine states received federal approval for HRSN demonstrations under the new framework. Another 10 states have applications pending. 

Rescissions and renewals. Incoming Trump Administration officials technically could attempt to rescind some of the Section 1115 demonstrations approved during the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration unsuccessfully pursued with, a similar strategy for certain 1115 demonstration components approved during President-Elect Trump’s first term. Like the Biden Administration, the incoming Trump officials may choose not to renew demonstrations, even if the courts prevent them from rescinding approvals. 

Any signature Section 1115 policy is unlikely to emerge until the new administration’s policy officials are in place. There are, however, important insights to consider based on the first Trump Administration’s priorities and areas of common ground across the Biden and first Trump administrations. 

Signature 1115 initiatives. During President Trump’s first term, one signature Medicaid Section 1115 initiative allowed states to apply work requirements to some eligibility groups. CMS officials at that time also approved capped allotments for certain components of a state’s Medicaid program. Some states might consider revisiting these options with incoming administration officials. Two other key policy areas to watch following the transition include: 

  • The first Trump Administration approved a pilot program to test interventions addressing HRSNs in  North Carolina’s Medicaid 1115 demonstration program. Though the approved HRSNs were less expansive than the HRSN 1115 interventions later announced by the Biden Administration, this could be an area of common ground where the policy evolves and can be incorporated into discussions on other nascent initiatives. 
  • Multiple administrations, including the first Trump Administration, have prioritized Medicaid policies and demonstration initiatives to address substance use disorders (SUD) and, separately, reentry. The intersection of these issues can provide another area of common ground and opportunity to continue work on state reentry initiatives, though likely with new and modified parameters. 

Implementation Considerations 

Federal approval of Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration proposals is a critical milestone for states. Demonstration implementation also requires significant and ongoing leadership, resources, and collaboration between states and CMS and states and their partners. 

The type of state demonstration activity is expected to shift dramatically over the course of the new administration. For example, proposals may shift from expansions in coverage and benefits to reflect the new administration’s other priorities. States, too, may consider alternative approaches to Section 1115 demonstrations, such as state plan authorities like in lieu of services (ILOS), to pursue certain innovative approaches that they might otherwise have implemented with demonstration authority. 

Connect with Us 

HMA empowers states, providers, and other stakeholders to thrive in an ever-changing healthcare landscape. With deep expertise at every level, HMA teams support state Medicaid programs and stakeholder partners nationally to address a range of operational challenges, including designing innovative healthcare approaches to address urgent healthcare challenges, expanding coverage opportunities, and optimizing integration to address program efficiencies and improved “whole person” care.  

We have expertise in all of the components critical to developing Section 1115 programs—from the policy knowledge, to actuarial/budgeting talent, to communications and project management skills, as well as the necessary IT infrastructure. 

Contact our featured experts below to learn more about HMA’s capabilities and expertise. 

HMA News

Passion with Purpose: Solving Healthcare’s Biggest Challenges, Together

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In this season of gratitude and joy, we reflect on a year filled with purpose and partnership. At HMA, we’re honored to support our clients and partners working to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities nationwide.

Watch our video to find out what fuels our passion to create a positive impact in all the work we do, from addressing health equity and improving maternal outcomes to advancing healthcare policy and helping organizations deliver the highest quality care.

All of us at HMA are wishing you a joyous holiday season and new year filled with continued success. 


MyCare Ohio: The Next Generation’s impact on the Ohio Medicare & Medicaid landscape

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The transition of MyCare Ohio to the Next Generation of its program on January 1, 2026, marks a significant evolution in the way Ohio provides healthcare services to its dual-eligible population – those who qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare services. This evolution moves Ohio to a Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan model (FIDE SNP) that aims to achieve several key goals through a population health approach, designed to address inequities and disparities in care for dual-eligible individuals. These goals include:

  • Improved Care Coordination. Strengthening integration between Medicare and Medicaid services to provide seamless, holistic care for individuals, reducing fragmentation and ensuring comprehensive management of medical, behavioral, and social needs.
  • Personalized Care. Utilizing data analytics and technology to create more tailored care plans, with a focus on proactive care to address the unique health needs of each individual, especially those with chronic conditions.
  • Expanded Access to Services. Increasing accessibility, particularly through telehealth and digital tools, to reach underserved populations and improve convenience for patients, particularly those in rural or remote areas.
  • Enhanced Quality of Care. Shifting focus from service volume to outcomes, encouraging providers to deliver high-quality care and improve patient satisfaction, while incentivizing preventive care to reduce hospital admissions and other high-cost interventions.
  • Technology Integration. Leveraging advanced technologies like mobile apps, predictive analytics, and telemedicine to monitor patient health, improve communication between patients and providers, and enable more efficient care delivery.

The current MyCare program is offered in 29 counties across Ohio but will transition to a statewide program as a part of the Next Generation changes. Additionally, Coordination Only Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (CO DSNP) will no longer be permitted.

After the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) publicly released the request for applications (RFA) and evaluated submitted proposals, they selected four Managed Care Organization (MCOs) that will become the Next Generation MyCare plans. The ODM awarded the following MCOs to serve MyCare members beginning in January 2026: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Buckeye Health Plan, CareSource, and Molina HealthCare of Ohio.

The shift to the FIDE SNP model and selection of four participating health plans will have a considerable impact on the competitive landscape for Medicare and Medicaid managed care in Ohio. The resulting changes can affect both selected and non-selected participants in different ways, including:

  • Increased competition among chosen MyCare MCOs. MCOs will need to focus on enhancing their care coordination systems, adopting new technologies, and developing personalized care plans to compete not just on the volume of services provided but also on the quality and effectiveness of care. Those who can best integrate services, offer proactive care management, and improve patient outcomes through value-based care and advanced technology initiatives will gain the competitive advantage, potentially attracting more beneficiaries.
  • Strategic responses of nonparticipating MCOs to counter potential membership and financial losses. MCOs that lose membership by not being selected, or are unable to offer CO DSNPs moving forward, will likely strategize how to gain membership through other product lines or benefit design to offset losses. Strategies may vary but could include tactics such as enhancing benefits or decreasing member cost shares to entice member movement across carriers for non-DSNP plans; finding innovative ways to further reach different segments within the Medicare population, such as Value Based Insurance Design (VBID) packages or Chronic SNP plays; or shifting focus to product lines outside of Medicare Advantage and Medicaid.

Ohio is one of many states transitioning to a FIDE model beginning January 2026. Health Management Associates (HMA) has successfully supported participating and non-participating carriers throughout the transition process and continues to be a dedicated partner to organizations navigating Medicare and Medicaid changes across the country.  Contact one of HMA’s many experts for more details on how to navigate this evolution in health care.


Major changes to Medicare Advantage and Part D proposed by CMS for 2026

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This week’s In Focus section examines a comprehensive proposed rule that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released on November 26, 2024. These highly anticipated regulations—which represent the last major Medicare regulations from the Biden Administration—include several significant and far-reaching proposals designed to strengthen plan oversight and enhance beneficiary protections for millions of Medicare beneficiaries who have coverage through Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans beginning in contract year 2026. The rule also comprises proposals with fiscal and policy implications for state Medicaid programs.

Comments on the proposed rule are due by January 27, 2025, and the incoming Trump Administration could make significant changes before finalization. New administration officials may choose to delay certain provisions, scale back, or eliminate certain proposed policy changes when they finalize the regulations next year.

This article explains several of the proposed policies, considerations for healthcare stakeholders, and developments that Health Management Associates (HMA) experts will be tracking in the coming weeks.

Coverage of Anti-Obesity Medications Under Medicare Part D and Medicaid

In the proposed regulations, CMS seeks to expand coverage of anti-obesity medications (AOMs) under the Medicare Part D and Medicaid programs. Under current Medicare Part D coverage rules, medications used exclusively for weight loss are excluded from the definition of a Part D covered drug. Through the proposed change, CMS is seeking to align Medicare and Medicaid coverage policy with the prevailing medical consensus that recognizes obesity as a chronic disease.

Under the proposed reinterpretation, CMS would expand eligibility for Part D coverage of AOMs for Medicare beneficiaries with obesity. AOMs used for weight loss or chronic weight management would continue to be excluded from Part D coverage under the proposed regulation.

As it relates to Medicaid, CMS’s proposed reinterpretation would require Medicaid coverage for anti-obesity medications when used for weight loss or chronic weight management for the treatment of obesity. State Medicaid programs would continue to have discretion to use preferred drug lists and prior authorization (PA) to establish certain limitations on the coverage of these drugs, consistent with existing statutory requirements.

CMS estimates the proposal would increase federal costs by $24.8 billion as the result of expanded Part D coverage and $14.8 billion because of expanded Medicaid coverage over a 10-year period.

Key considerations: Though expanded access to innovative medications may improve access and outcomes for obese patients, these considerations may need to be balanced against the proposal’s considerable fiscal costs. In addition, key health nominees put forth by President-Elect Donald J. Trump have different views about how best to prevent and treat chronic disease, creating additional uncertainty about whether this proposed expansion will go forward.

Strengthening Prior Authorization and Utilization Management Guardrails

The proposed rule includes a series of recommendations for reforming Medicare Advantage PA, utilization management (UM), and coverage decisions, which include:

  • Defining the meaning of internal coverage criteria to clarify when MA plans may apply UM
  • Ensuring MA plans’ internal coverage policies are transparent and readily available to the public
  • Requiring plans to inform beneficiaries of their appeal rights
  • Revising the current metrics for the annual health equity analysis on the use of PA to require more detailed and granular reporting to allow CMS to determine whether MA plans disproportionately deny certain services

Key considerations: Continued scrutiny of MA plans’ PA practices and strong bipartisan support for reforms increase the likelihood that certain changes will be made to these policies within the next year.

Enhancing Medicare Plan Finder to Include Information on Plan Provider Directories

Another notable proposal would require MA plans to make provider directory data available to CMS for inclusion in Medicare Plan Finder (MPF), the online tool that allows beneficiaries to compare coverage options, including Medicare Advantage and Part D plans. At present, provider directories must be accessible on MA plans websites.

CMS seeks to enhance MPF with searchable provider information for all MA plans while requiring plans to attest to the accuracy of the provider directory data, including updating data within 30 days of receiving notification that provider information has changed. CMS would ensure compliance with this expectation by requiring plans to meet data compliance and quality checks, which will be detailed in upcoming technical guidance.

Improving Access to Behavioral Health Care

The proposed rule furthers federal policymakers’ initiatives to address the nation’s behavioral health crisis. CMS proposes to establish the following three standards to ensure that beneficiary cost sharing in Medicare Advantage is no greater than in Traditional Medicare:

  • A 20 percent coinsurance or an actuarially equivalent copayment rate for mental health specialty services, psychiatric services, partial hospitalization, and outpatient substance abuse services
  • No cost sharing for opioid treatment programs
  • All (100 percent) of the estimated Traditional Medicare cost sharing for inpatient psychiatric services

Improve Oversight and Administration of Supplemental Benefits

MA plans may offer a variety of supplemental benefits such as vision, dental, and gym memberships, which have come under increasing scrutiny by CMS. CMS proposed several actions to reduce misuse of these benefits, including:

  • Outlining proper usage by MA organizations and enrollees
  • Adding disclosure rules for transparency
  • Ensuring enrollees can access covered services through alternative methods
  • Requiring real-time electronic links between debit cards and covered services
  • Defining acceptable over-the-counter products.

Key Considerations: CMS officials in President-Elect Trump’s first administration expanded flexibility for plans to offer supplemental benefits. Incoming policy officials may seek an opportunity to fully review the Biden Administration’s proposals. Data and experience-informed comments from MA plans and stakeholders can support such discussions.

Improve Care Experience for Dual Eligibles

CMS proposed the following two new federal requirements for Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) that are applicable integrated plans (AIPs):

  • AIP D-SNPs will need to have integrated member ID cards for their Medicare and Medicaid plans.
  • D-SNPs will be required to conduct an integrated health risk assessment for Medicare and Medicaid, rather than separate ones for each program.

Key Considerations: These proposals further CMS’s multi-year work to advance integrated care by applying Medicare-Medicaid Plan features into D-SNP requirements. States and MA and Medicaid plans should plan for operational and policy changes if the proposals are finalized.

Formulary Inclusion and Placement of Generics and Biosimilars

CMS proposes to require Part D formularies to provide beneficiaries with broad access to generic, biosimilar, and other low-cost drugs while also ensuring that tier placement and UM practices do not limit access to these drugs as compared with more expensive brand name and reference products.

Key considerations: If finalized, the proposal would require MA-PD and Part D plans to update their approach and considerations for plan formulary development. Consumer groups and other stakeholders should consider the possibility that the proposal will improve access to lower cost products.

Other Topics in the Proposed Rule

In addition, the proposed rule calls for the following:

  • Guardrails for artificial intelligence to protect access to health services, such as requiring that MA plans ensure services are provided equitably, regardless of delivery method or origin (i.e., human or automated systems)
  • Changes to MA and Part D medical loss ratio (MLR) reporting to improve the meaningfulness and comparability of MLR across plan contracts
  • Expanded Part D medication therapy management eligibility criteria
  • Adding and updating measures addressed in this proposed rule, beginning with the 2028 Star Ratings
  • Promoting community-based services and enhancing transparency of in-home service providers, including new definitions and standards for community-based organizations
  • Codifying existing guidance related to implementation of the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, which is part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

What to Watch

During the lame duck session, Congress could advance legislation related to some proposals in this rule. Specifically, PA has been an area of significant bipartisan interest, along with access to and cost of GLP-1 products. CMS will need to ensure the final MA and Part D policy and technical rule for contract year 2026 reflects approved statutory changes.

In addition, HMA is watching key appointments within the US Department of Health and Human Services, including individuals selected to lead CMS’ Medicare and Medicaid centers. These appointments will provide valuable insights on the emerging policy agenda of the incoming administration.

Connect with Us

HMA’s Medicare and Medicaid experts will continue to assess and analyze the policy and political landscape, which will determine the final policies in the MA and Part D policy and technical rule for contract year 2026. HMA’s experts have the depth of knowledge, experience, and subject matter expertise to assist organizations that engage in the rulemaking process and to support implementation of final policies, including policy development, tailored analysis, and modeling capabilities, as well as quality improvement initiatives and plan benefit design.

For further analysis of the MA and Part D proposed rule and potential impact on MA and Part D plans, Medicaid programs, providers, and beneficiaries, contact our featured experts below.


Has Medicare’s Drug Policy Struck the Right Balance Between Access and Cost? 

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Kevin Kirby, managing director at Health Management Associates, gives a closer look at the evolution of Medicare’s drug coverage and the policies that have transformed patient access and affordability. From Clinton era ideas, to the launch of the Medicare Modernization Act and then the Affordable Care Act, Kevin has advised clients as these significant milestones have shaped and reshaped Medicare’s drug benefits. He discusses the implications of the Inflation Reduction Act, raising important questions about sustainability and cost control. The episode will explore how these pivotal policies will impact access to treatment and the sustainability of Medicare in a rapidly changing healthcare landscape. 

Case Study

Strategic Expenditure Planning: Empowering County Government Agencies to Optimize Opioid Settlement Funds


The Client

The Lake County Behavioral Health Services Department and the residents of Lake County, California.


In 2021, opioid manufacturer Janssen Pharmaceuticals along with three opioid distributors, McKesson, Amerisource Bergen, and Cardinal Health (collectively known as The Distributors) reached settlements for their roles in the opioid epidemic that amount to $26 billion. These settlements will be distributed to states that participated in the joint lawsuits. It is estimated that California will receive approximately $2.05 billion over 18 years to focus on opioid abatement activities within the state. As a participating subdivision, Lake County is set to receive a portion of California’s Abatement Fund and began receiving payments on November 15, 2022. The County will receive approximately $18 million over the course of eighteen years.

HMA was tasked with creating an expenditure plan for the opioid abatement settlement funds distributed to the Lake County Behavioral Health Services Department and the residents of Lake County. HMA facilitated community engagement to gather stakeholder feedback and align community priorities with the High Impact Abatement Activities (HIAA) and goals as defined by the California Department of Healthcare Services.

Download and read the approach and results.


HMA webinars offer insights into big changes expected after the 2024 election

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Following the 2024 election, incoming federal officials have begun to lay the groundwork for significant changes in the federal policy landscape and agency operations. In 2025, Republicans will control the executive branch and both chambers of Congress, a trifecta of power that affords more opportunity for advancing their federal healthcare agenda over the next two years.  HMA consultants are available to help organizations understand, inform, and plan for future federal policy initiatives and the impact for publicly funded programs and the healthcare sector.

Experts from HMA and from Wakely and Leavitt Partners, both HMA companies, collaborated to host three webinars that examine key issues and considerations for different parts of the healthcare sector.

 2024 Political Checkpoint webinar

This webinar explored insights on the election results, discussed both confirmed outcomes and remaining uncertainties, along with the mandate for change that has emerged. Panelists from HMA and Leavitt Partners provided an overview of what to expect from Congress and the Administration, focusing on key legislative priorities and executive actions, and shared their prediction for what to watch over the first 100 days.

With a Republican majority in Congress and presidency, healthcare priorities are expected to include revisiting ACA tax subsidies, addressing Medicaid allotments, and reexamining Medicare’s system for reimbursing providers. Powerful tools like budget reconciliation could drive major changes in tax and healthcare entitlement programs, however, this tool can be limited by parameters of the Senate’s procedural rules, known as the Byrd Rule.

Panelists also addressed the regulatory policy landscape which could include reinstating Trump-era policies like the 1332 waivers, allowing non-ACA plans, and altering Medicare and Medicaid policies to emphasize transparency and fiscal responsibility.

The Future of Medicare Advantage: How the Election Results Impact the Program 

With Medicare Advantage (MA) a key area of focus for incoming federal agency leaders, experts from HMA, Leavitt Partners, and Wakely discussed how the election results will impact what policy changes could be considered in the coming year.

As the MA program expands, conversations about its future reveal a mix of partisan priorities and bipartisan opportunities. Partisan changes are likely to include moderation of regulatory oversight, and the possibility of easing the audit process and restrictions on payment models. Other strategies and policies may shift the emphasis away from health equity initiatives and revise the federal approach to competitive prescription drug pricing negotiations.

There are, however, certain reforms that are likely to garner bipartisan support, such as the expansion of telehealth services and increased access to behavioral healthcare. Ongoing discussions about health plans’ approaches to prior authorization and management of prescription drug will likely remain a bipartisan priority.

Electoral Consequences: Impact on the ACA Marketplace

The 2024 elections may lead to significant changes in the ACA Marketplace. Enhanced ACA subsidies available during the COVID-19 pandemic are set to expire in 2025, and the new CMS administrator will shape policy and regulatory components that affect marketplace and consumer dynamics.

Key insights highlight anticipated changes to the Meaningful Difference Rules for non-standard plans, an increase in Marketplace user fees, and a proposal to codify silver loading into regulation. Additionally, it’s important to monitor policy areas focused on improving compliance among agents and brokers in the Marketplace the unveiling of a new Risk Adjustment model and coefficients to reflect costs that are not related to active medical conditions.

Our consultants are ready to meet with you to discuss any projects or ideas to help you navigate the evolving landscape in 2025.

Ready to talk?