The vast majority of hospitalizations are among patients 65 years and older due to their comorbid chronic illnesses and their requirement for age-appropriate care management. While the aging population increases, nursing home availability and state funding for home-and community-based services have decreased. As a result, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) care model Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), has boosted growth.
A program aimed at keeping low-income older adults living in the community and out of nursing homes, PACE has been a safe haven for many. Currently offered in 32 states, the program provides home care, prescriptions, meals, and transportation to participants.
The local PACE centers also bring enrollees together to socialize and receive a variety of medical services. Many PACE providers have reported high satisfaction rates among participants. Further, a 2021 report by the Health and Human Services Department found PACE enrollees were significantly less likely to be hospitalized, use emergency departments, or be referred to nursing homes compared to Medicare Advantage members.
Our clients
HMA works with national and state associations, managed care organizations, delivery systems, federal and state public health programs, as well as interested and existing PACE programs to support the promotion and continued improvement of the PACE model. Having led PACE programs, managed care organizations, delivery systems, and federal and state public health programs, the HMA team of multidisciplinary experts is skilled in PACE program design, strategy, growth, and operations. We have direct experience working in and with PACE organizations in policy, application processes, and operational readiness, day-to-day operations, and audit preparation and response.
How HMA can help:
HMA’s team can help organizations strategically identify, plan, and implement the development of a new PACE. HMA’s experts are experienced in leading an organization through the strategic planning processes, educating and orientating an interested sponsor organization in their PACE market of interest, and all of the variables, including the desired PACE service areas, federal and state waivers and licensure requirements, and restrictions, the state, and federal application timelines and processes, and pre- and post-implementation processes and as well as ongoing business operations.
The state and federal application process involves multiple steps and can feel daunting. HMA is well versed in these processes and has assisted many PACE programs across the county complete these applications. HMA will work with you side by side to navigate all of the application requirements including completing and submitting the Notification of Intent to Apply (NOIA), Navigating and Working with State Agencies, and completing the CMS Application.
Although many states operate in similar ways, there are nuances that make each a bit different. HMA consultants have worked with many state agencies across the country, both in states with PACE programs and states without. Whether your state(s) have existing PACE programs, or you are looking to be the first one in the state, HMA has the experience and expertise to help navigate those state-by-state differences. Our PACE team includes previous state Medicaid and federal leaders, providing valuable contacts and knowledge within the state systems.
Achieving performance targets requires advanced systems of care delivery and agile information technology tools for real-time monitoring and managing populations and participants. Effective operating and reporting systems are critical to the success of PACE organizations’ operations. HMA has evaluated system requirements for PACE and can help you identify, select, and implement operating processes and systems. To optimize operations efficiency, we also offer solutions for tracking and managing revenue, participant care costs, productivity, and downstream payments. We can also work to implement telehealth and remote patient monitoring technologies.
Contracting with specialty and ancillary healthcare providers along the continuum of care will be increasingly critical for managing participant care, outcomes, and costs under the PACE model. We can assess the scope and effectiveness of current contractual relationships, including contract language review, reimbursement, reporting requirements, and other elements critical to compliance and operational compliance and success, across a wide range of healthcare and social service providers.
HMA has extensive policy experience with the legislative requirements that govern PACE at both the state and federal level. We can help evaluate the impact of new requirements or legislation to inform your position with regulators. In addition, HMA team members have existing relationships with the National PACE Association as well as various state PACE Associations.
HMA experts are experienced and are well versed in providing data analytic services to both prospective and fully operational PACE programs. Using a full analytics suite, our experts can help with Part D needs including Bid preparation and Part D Reconciliations. Additionally, we can assist organizations with risk adjustment operations and support, forecasting, market analysis, vendor auditing, and strategic support.
HMA is available to help organizations develop PACE capabilities from concept to implementation and beyond, including post-implementation and ongoing PACE operations.
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