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Substance Use Disorder in California – A Focused Landscape Analysis

HMA found that the substance use disorder treatment system, which
sits outside of specialty mental health and mild-to-moderate mental health services, results in an
inconsistent and siloed system. The delivery of programs and services across the state vary because of
differences in geography (rural, suburban, and urban densities) as well as county participation in the Drug
Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS). This landscape analysis provides a deeper exploration
into the challenges and opportunities specific to addressing substance use disorder.


Contact our experts

Charles Robbins

Charles Robbins, MBA

Los Angeles, CA
Serene Olin

Serene Olin, PhD

Los Angeles, CA
Emma Clark

Emma Clark, PhD

Denver, CO
Rachel Johnson Yates

Rachel Johnson-Yates, MA, LMHC, LAC

Associate Principal
Indianapolis, IN
Brittany Doughty

Brittany Doughty, MPH

Tallahassee, FL
Marc Avery

Marc Avery, MD

Seattle, WA