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HMA report examines COVID-19 policy flexibility for children, youth with special needs

A new report by HMA colleagues looks at policies, including new emergency regulations and temporary flexibilities, put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report, COVID-19 Policy Flexibilities Affecting Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs What to Keep, Modify, or Discard?, was developed in conjunction with the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health and examined policies and changes related to children and youth with special healthcare needs (CYSHCN).

The HMA team, Principals Sharon Silow-Carroll and Helen DuPlessis, Consultant Elaine Henry and Research Associate Samantha Di Paola, identified flexibilities put in place during the pandemic and outlines recommendations for the future of those policies for federal, state and local programs and health systems. The team also collected and summarized input from key stakeholders on the impact of the flexibilities on CYSHCN, their families and providers.

HMA continues to work with partners to examine outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic and craft strategies and solutions to move forward with confidence.

Additional report findings, including the full set of recommendations and the recommendations specific to California, are also available.


Contact our experts

Headshot of Sharon Silow Carroll

Sharon Silow-Carroll, MSW, MBA

New York, NY
Headshot of Helen DuPlessis

Helen DuPlessis, MD

Los Angeles, CA
Headshot of Samantha Di Paola

Samantha Di Paola, MHA, PMP

Senior Consultant
New York, NY
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