HMA helps navigate dQM to improve health outcomes
February 13, 2025
The healthcare industry is undergoing a seismic shift in how quality data are collected and reported, creating opportunities to use digital quality measures (dQM) to significantly improve health outcomes and efficiency. Starting in January 2027, new federal interoperability and prior authorization rules will promote widespread data exchange, enabling full digital quality measurement. Payers and providers must invest early to be well-positioned to undergo major strategic and operational changes to optimize healthcare data and transform their business processes.
This issue brief explains the federal policies and national changes that make digital quality measurement possible, explores challenges facing the health insurance industry, and highlights opportunities for payers and providers.
Our HMA dQM team helps health plans, providers, health & hospital systems, federal, state and local payers such as Medicare and Medicaid navigate the transformation to dQM and broader interoperability—from early planning through strategy development, implementation, and impact evaluation.