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HMA Community Strategies conducts evaluation for the city of Los Angeles FamilySource System

Systemic health disparities have exposed Los Angeles’ racially and ethnically diverse populations to increased risks of economic hardship, educational underachievement, and housing instability. To better understand this imbalance and drive toward change, the City of Los Angeles (the City), through Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Community Service Block Grants (CSBG) and General Funds established the FamilySource System (FSS), a place-based program, to address disparities, prevent and alleviate poverty, increase equity, and better coordinate support for these communities. The purpose of the FSS is to provide a myriad of braided social, educational, work and family support services designed to assist low-income families to become more self-sufficient by increasing family income and academic achievement for youth and adults.

HMA Community Strategies conducted this evaluation of the FamilySource System and economic impact study to identify key trends, barriers, and interventions that could better illuminate disparities in Los Angeles and move to greater income, education, and housing equity.

Contributions to this report were made by Charles Robbins, MBA (project director), Megan Beers, PhD, Ryan Maganini, Matthew Ward, and Yamini Narayan.


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