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HMA colleagues conduct environmental scan of NEMT benefit to Medicaid enrollees

As part of a larger Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) study on Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) in response to a request from the Senate Appropriations Committee, a team of HMA colleagues conducted a 50-state environmental scan of NEMT programs and stakeholder interviews to better understand approaches and trends in the provision of the NEMT benefit to Medicaid enrollees across the United States.

The culminating report included NEMT trends, challenges, and innovations drawn from the scan of programs and interviews with stakeholders including federal officials, Medicaid officials from six study states, NEMT brokers and providers, managed care companies, beneficiary advocates, and subject matter experts.

The key findings are outlined in the report and include information about:

  • NEMT populations and utilization
  • Various modes of transportation
  • NEMT delivery system model variations, advantages, and challenges
  • NEMT complaints, performance issues, and innovation
  • Performance improvement, oversight, and program integrity
  • Transportation network challenges and increasing role of transportation network companies
  • Coordination across federally assisted transportation services
  • Stakeholders’ view on the value and role of NEMT

In December 2020, following the completion of the interviews for this study, Congress added a requirement to the federal statute requiring states to provide NEMT to Medicaid beneficiaries who have no other means of transportation to medically necessary healthcare services.

The HMA team included Principals Sharon Silow-Carroll, MSW, MBA and Kathy Gifford, JD, Senior Consultant Carrie Rosenzweig, MPP, Consultants Anh Pham and Julie George, JD as well as retired Managing Principal Kathy Ryland.

The research underlying this report was completed with support from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC). The findings, statements, and views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of MACPAC.


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