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23rd annual Kaiser Family Foundation state Medicaid budget survey released

The 23rd annual Medicaid Budget Survey conducted by The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and Health Management Associates (HMA) was released on November 14, 2023 in the report: Amid Unwinding of Pandemic-Era Policies, Medicaid Programs Continue to Focus on Delivery Systems, Benefits, and Reimbursement Rates”.

Survey results show that states expect a sharp increase in Medicaid spending that is a direct result of lower federal spending as Covid relief and enhanced matching declines. This budget pressure is compounded by increasing provider rates, workforce recruitment and compensation challenges, increased spending on behavioral health and maternity care, and spending on programs that improve health related social needs. These budget pressures will create a very challenging environment for state policy makers in the coming years.

The report was prepared by Kathleen Gifford, Aimee Lashbrook, Caprice Knapp, Beth Kidder from HMA and Leavitt Partner’s Bill Snyder; and by Elizabeth HintonElizabeth WilliamsJada RaphaelAnna MudumalaRobin Rudowitz from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD).

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Headshot of Kathy Gifford

Kathy Gifford, JD

Indianapolis, IN
Headshot of Aimee Lashbrook

Aimee Lashbrook, JD, MHSA

Associate Principal
Lansing, MI
Headshot of Caprice Knapp

Caprice Knapp, PhD

Managing Director, Quality and Accreditation
Salt Lake City, UT
Headshot of Beth Kidder

Beth Kidder, MPP

Managing Principal
Tallahassee, FL
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