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20th annual state Medicaid budget survey released

The Kaiser Family Foundation

The 20th annual Medicaid Budget Survey conducted by The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and Health Management Associates (HMA) was released on October 14, 2020 and included two new reports: State Medicaid Programs Respond to Meet COVID-19 Challenges: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 and Medicaid Enrollment & Spending Growth: FY 2020 & 2021.

The reports were prepared by Kathleen Giff­ord, Aimee Lashbrook, and Sarah Barth from HMA and by Elizabeth Hinton, Robin Rudowitz, Madeline Guth, and Lina Stolyar from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

This survey reports on trends in Medicaid spending, enrollment, and policy initiatives for FY 2020 and FY 2021, highlighting COVID-19 policy planned for implementation in FY 2021. The conclusions are based on information provided by the nation’s state Medicaid Directors.

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Headshot of Kathy Gifford

Kathy Gifford, JD

Indianapolis, IN
Headshot of Aimee Lashbrook

Aimee Lashbrook, JD, MHSA

Associate Principal
Lansing, MI
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