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How will changes to Medicare Part C and D Star Ratings impact your plan?

What are your plans to minimize your risk to avoid dropping in your Star Rating or to plan a head to maintain or improve your Star Rating?

On February 1, 2023, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2024 Advance Notice and included some key specifics on the upcoming changes to the Medicare Star Rating program. CMS is proposing changes that will align with the recently announced “Universal Foundation” of quality measures, a core set of measures that are aligned across CMS quality rating and value-based care programs. The Advance Notice also included information on substantive measure specification updates, new measure concepts, and the addition of measures to align with other CMS programs.

You can learn more about these proposed changes along with a blueprint for improving your Medicare Advantage Star Ratings at the HMA quality conference on March 6 in Chicago. The working session “Moving the Needle on Medicare Stars Ratings” will feature speakers Katharine Iskrant, MPH, CHCA, CPHQ, HEDIS/Stars Auditor, President and Owner, Healthy People; John Myers, BS, M.Eng., VP of Health Quality & Stars, Humana; Vanita Pindolia, PharmD, MBA, VP of Stars Program, Emergent Holdings; and Dr. Kate Koplan, MD, MPH, FACP, CPPS, Chief Quality Officer & Associate Medical Director Quality and Safety, Kaiser Permanente of Georgia

Moderators of this session are Mary Walter, Managing Director of Quality and Accreditation, and David Wedemeyer, Principal. Both have health plan legacy experience in Stars strategy, execution and getting results.

Objectives of this session:

  1. Overview of the CMS proposed changes and their impact on the Stars program
  2. Attendees will obtain a blueprint for improving Medicare Advantage Star Ratings, including the importance of ensuring executive management buy-in
  3. Discussion of how the use of data analytics can help plans to identify quality gaps, target interventions, and track improvement
  4. Strategies to avoid the type of siloed initiatives that often fail to achieve lasting results
  5. Speakers will also address the importance of quality in achieving market viability and financial

Stay in the know about the upcoming proposed changes and develop your organization’s strategy in this interactive impactful working session. This session will allow attendees to integrate any learnings and take-aways into your Stars program to meet your overall Star Rating strategic goal.

Follow #HMAtalksQuality on Twitter and LinkedIn for more updates on Stars and quality initiative efforts throughout the year. View the full agenda and register for HMA’s first annual quality conference on March 6 in Chicago. Registration closes on February 21, 2023.

Meet the featured experts

Headshot of Mary Walter

Mary Walter, BS, DPN, RN

Salt Lake City, UT
Headshot of David Wedemeyer

David Wedemeyer, BSN, RN

Los Angeles, CA
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