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HMA’s CCBHC program implementation support


Since the inception of the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) model, we’ve been working across the country with designated CCBHCs, to help implement the model in ways that maximize the value of the designation.

We’ve worked with a diverse range of behavioral health providers and other stakeholders in planning for and implementing the CCBHC model both within the demonstration program framework, as well as through federally funded CCBHC-expansion grants. Our team of experts supports providers to leverage the CCBHC model to support their overall agency mission and growth goals. 


HMA’s CCBHC-related support spans a spectrum from strategic planning through grant securing, grant implementation, organizational change management, to demonstration program participation. HMA offers implementation support that is customized to each organization and its unique circumstances, while leveraging our unmatched breadth of experience with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), CCBHCs, behavioral health treatment and support services, state Medicaid systems, clinical integration, health information technology, quality improvement, healthcare finance, and strategy.

Strategic planning to see how CCBHCs can support each agency to meet its goals

Readiness assessment to best position the agency for CCBHC certification in a competitive landscape

Write SAMHSA proposals to secure CCBHC grant funding

Implementation support in alignment with CCBHC criteria, as well as SAMHSA and state requirements

Ongoing quality improvement to support improvement and advancement of CCBHC programming

Help agencies transition from CCBHC grant funding to a sustainable reimbursement model

In addition, HMA can support a CCBHC implementation with any or all of the following services: financing, workforce recruitment/retention strategies, project management, technical assistance, and health information technology and exchange.


In 2022 alone, we supported behavioral health providers to attain more than $110 million in expansion grant funding they will use in their communities, including over $46 million in CCBHC-planning, development, and implementation grant funding and more than $63 million in CCBHC-improvement and advancement grant funding.

In addition, we have supported more than 20 states to write their CCBHC planning grant applications to initiate a state-run CCBHC model. Most recently, we had 100% success rate for our FY23 planning grant applications, resulting in four states receiving one year planning grants to build a state-run CCBHC model.

Meet the featured experts

Headshot of Kristan McIntosh

Kristan McIntosh

New York, NY
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