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HMA to lead Integrated Care Technical Assistance Program in the District of Columbia

The District of Columbia’s Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) has engaged Health Management Associates (HMA) to spearhead a multi-year training and coaching effort across the District. The five-year project will support Medicaid providers’ efforts to deliver whole person care by integrating physical and behavioral health in order to better manage the complex needs of Medicaid beneficiaries.

The Integrated Care Technical Assistance (ICTA) Program focuses on serving the practice transformation needs of seven priority groups: Health Home providers, Department of Behavioral Health providers, free standing mental health providers, long-term services and supports providers, including home health agencies; certified or waivered medications for addiction treatment (MAT) providers, including methadone providers; specialty providers; and Federally Qualified Health Centers.

Working with a data-driven approach and evidence-based models, the HMA team plans to assist at least 50 Medicaid enrolled providers to achieve three practice transformation core competencies – delivering person-centered care across the care continuum, using data and population health analytics, and engaging leadership to support person-centered, value-based care – all with the end goal of improving care and patient outcomes.

“Our top-notch team of improvement coaches, subject matter experts and project faculty can provide training and transformation quickly and efficiently to the District’s prioritized provider types,” said Dr. Jean Glossa, HMA principal and project director. “We look forward to partnering with DHCF to provide practice transformation and support to participating providers’ ability to treat medically complex patients in value-based programs.”

With vast knowledge and experience in practice transformation to support participating providers and the DHCF, HMA’s team includes primary care, behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) subject matter experts, clinicians and former policy makers. HMA’s SUD and behavioral health experts will provide technical assistance activities to improve and incorporate screening, referrals, evidence-based SUD treatment and educational efforts to address and reduce stigma surrounding SUD treatment.

Truly multidisciplinary in scope, HMA’s team will bring lessons learned from other statewide efforts as well as new and leading-edge approaches to key areas of the project including supporting a multi-tiered community-wide approach and an understanding of varying methods to achieve integration.

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