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HMA launches behavioral health webinar series

In the last decade, there has been increasing awareness of the role behavioral health plays in healthcare outcomes and cost of care—especially in the public sector. Starting with Medicaid expansion and the high rates of behavioral health conditions in the expansion population to evidence of the impact of behavioral health on physical chronic disease and medical spending, behavioral health is an area of focus for improving the quality of care and reducing cost.

Join members of the Health Management Associates (HMA) behavioral health team for a webinar series as we explore a range of relevant behavioral health topics and share lessons learned in partnership with our public sector clients.

The webinar series, Exploring the Landscape of Behavioral Healthcare, will take place from April to August and explore central themes ranging from the impact of COVID-19 to the future of child welfare and behavioral health equity. HMA’s team of experts will discuss these topics and more with a focus on a mixture of policy and practice.

Each webinar will highlight specific topics and challenges as well as explore ways HMA can help address needs specific client needs.

View the first webinar in the series, Overcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Behavioral Health Staff and Patients .

Upcoming webinars include:

When Behavioral Health Leaders Are Also Behavioral Health Family CaregiversMay 13, 3-4 p.m. (ET)  
COVID Response to BH needsMay 19, 3-4 p.m. (ET)
CCBHC: “Waiting is the Hardest Part” (What to do while waiting for your CCBHC-E grant, and once you are awarded)Date and time to be determined
Integrated CareDate and time to be determined
Conducting Virtual Supervision in the Telehealth World June 15, 3-4 p.m. (ET)
Advancing Health Justice for Medicaid Members with Disabilities, Including Persons with Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder (SUD)June 25, 12-1 p.m. (ET)  
Children’s Behavioral Health and the Intersect with Medicaid and Child WelfareJuly 15, 1-2 p.m. (ET)
How Child Welfare and Behavioral Health Systems Can Support and Enhance Family Engagement and Collaborate on Child Welfare PreventionJuly 20, 3-4 p.m. (ET)  
Additional webinars in conjunction with the HMA Institute on Addiction
Using Substance Use Navigators (SUN) in Emergency Departments to Engage and Connect Patients to Treatment
Best Practices for Working with Patients with Stimulant Use Disorder
Best Practices in Addressing Perinatal Substance Use: Keeping Moms, Families and Babies Together
Addressing the Variability in How Child Welfare Departments Address Perinatal Substance Use Disorder
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