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HMA experts to present on “Lifting Voices” project at NATCON24 in St. Louis, April 15-17

At the upcoming NATCON24 convention, HMA principals Heidi Arthur and Ellen Breslin will conduct a motivating workshop called “Lifting Voices for Meaningful, Actionable Change: Insights from Navigating the Children’s System of Care.” During this workshop, Heidi and Ellen will discuss how their own journeys as mothers of children with significant behavioral health needs have informed their work as policy and practice advisors to state and local authorities. They will lift up the voices of their fellow parents and youth, whose insights they sought in order to inform improvements to behavioral health care and access at the state and local levels around the country. Heidi and Ellen seek to make this an engaging workshop for attendees and encourage all to join the call to action. 

Please join their workshop at NATCON24 on Monday, April 15, 2024 from 10:30– 11:30 AM CT in room 132, Level 1, ACCC.

As longtime leaders in health and human services, HMA’s behavioral health experts bring front line and leadership experience to their work supporting behavioral health authorities, child welfare programs and community and school-based providers of all kinds. We consult with public and private sector entities who serve children and families in order to improve access, streamline, and integrate care. We aim to advance equity and improve quality in state, county, and local program development. Contact us to learn more.

Learn more about the foundations of this project by accessing the Lifting Voices report from October 2023 below.

Meet the featured experts

Headshot of Heidi Arthur

Heidi Arthur, LMSW

New York, NY
Headshot of Ellen Breslin

Ellen Breslin, MPP

Boston, MA
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