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Digital innovation to be a featured topic at 2023 HMA fall conference

Advancements in digital health and data technology have made for rapid and remarkable transformation of the healthcare landscape. From wearable devices to mobile health apps to telemedicine platforms, the integration of digital solutions and patient data is disrupting every facet of healthcare – to say nothing of the AI revolution that has only just begun. While this innovation is exciting and meaningful, it still has runway to truly deliver “better, cheaper, faster” for patients. These innovations and others will be featured at Health Management Associates annual fall conference, being held October 30-31, 2023.

Digital innovation has graduated from its “experimentation/compliance” phase and is now in its “expectation of results” phase. Healthcare payers and providers should incorporate digital into core payment and delivery strategies to deliver better outcomes and a better care experience at a most efficient cost. Health data management is creating more efficient platforms to provide the right care at the right time to the right patient. Federal policy programs like the 21st Century Cures Act, and CMS Interoperability and Patient Access rule have opened the door for providers, payers, and applications to make better use of health information, with patients more in control. 

While this level of innovation is exciting anywhere, it is particularly exciting to see how it is enabling improvements in publicly funded healthcare programs to deliver more effective care. HMA consultants are leading conversations and presentations on how digital innovation is driving change in Medicare, Medicaid, and state marketplaces. 

Key Sessions (full agenda and panelists here)

The Dynamic World of Publicly Sponsored Health Care: Trends and Innovations: Learn about new payment models, quality and equity initiatives, new products and services, workforce, likely policy initiatives, and new ways of reaching and serving members. (Monday 9:15-10:30am plenary session)

Digital Health, Interoperability, and Information Sharing: From Compliance to Innovation: Discover how early adopters will show how they have moved from compliance to innovation by embracing data sharing, FHIR APIs, and third-party applications using real-time data. (Monday 1:30-3:00pm breakout session)

The Pitch: Innovative and Potentially Disruptive Models in Care DeliveryHear the latest innovations in care delivery models and will also gain an understanding of how to best approach managed care partners when considering value-based contracting or other network arrangements. (Monday 3:30-5:00pm breakout session)

Behavioral Health System Redesign: Learn why federal and state governments and the healthcare delivery system must collaborate in new and innovative ways to meet the rapidly growing demand for a more integrated behavioral health system (Sunday preconference, this session and others running 1pm – 5pm)

To learn more about HMA’s work in the digital innovation space or digital health work, please contact our experts below.

Meet the featured experts

Headshot of Ryan Howells

Ryan Howells, MHA

Washington, DC
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