
Webinar Replay: Risk-Ready Primary Care

On October 21, 2015, HMA Information Services hosted the webinar, “Risk-Ready Primary Care: The Next Wave in Practice Transformation for a Value-Based Future.” To successfully share risk in a value-based healthcare system, primary care practices need to develop a core set of capabilities that include clinical integration, data analytics, and targeted interventions. We call this … Read More

Webinar Replay: The Importance of Race and Ethnicity in Accounting for Social Risks in Medicare Value-Based Payments

This webinar was held on April 3, 2019.  Medicare value-based payments are increasingly considering social risk factors such as income and other elements of socioeconomic disadvantage. However, race and ethnicity are often left out of the mix, an approach that can create significant problems for providers attempting to adequately account for financial risks when entering … Read More

Vermont Proposes Risk-Bearing, State-Run Medicaid Managed Care Entity

This week our In Focus section reviews Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health Section 1115 waiver renewal application. In the proposed five-year demonstration extension, Vermont seeks to move the Medicaid population to a new a risk-bearing public, state-run managed care organization (MCO). Under the arrangement, the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) would transition into the … Read More

Webinar Replay: An IT Framework for Accountable Care

On November 3, 2015, HMA Information Services hosted the webinar, “An IT Framework for Accountable Care: Building Information Technology Capabilities that Support All Necessary Functions in the Risk-Sharing Continuum.” The importance of information technology continues to grow as healthcare providers venture into care coordination, accountable care, and risk sharing. A structured approach to IT planning … Read More

Arkansas PASSE Program Readies for Full Risk Capitation

This week, our In Focus section reviews Arkansas’ Provider-led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) model, scheduled to transition to full risk capitation in March 2019. The PASSE program provides care coordination to improve the health of Medicaid members with behavioral health needs or developmental/intellectual disabilities.

Medicare Advantage Capitation Rates and Part C and Part D Payment Policies

This week, our In Focus section reviews the recently announced major policy updates from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that affect the Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D programs. First, on January 30, CMS released the final Risk Adjustment Data Validation Final Rule, a highly anticipated and controversial policy that establishes the agency’s approach to … Read More

Driving change in healthcare delivery: payment models and managing risk at HMA Spring Workshop on value-based care

Is the concept of value-based care (VBC) still relevant in today’s healthcare landscape or just a buzzword? Some argue that the financial challenges brought about by the pandemic have steered our healthcare delivery systems away from prioritizing value. However, many experts remain optimistic that value-based care is the key to achieving our overarching objectives of … Read More

CMS Introduces Advance Notice of Methodological Changes for MA Capitation Rates and Medicare Part C and Part D Payment Policies

This week, our In Focus section reviews recently announced major policy updates from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that affect the Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D programs. First, on January 30, CMS released the final Risk Adjustment Data Validation Final Rule, a highly anticipated and controversial policy that establishes the agency’s … Read More

Mary Walter

Headshot of Mary Walter

Mary Walter is an accomplished executive leader with more than 30 years of experience in healthcare including extensive work in managed care insurance the past 25 years, quality and oversight of every aspect of health plan operations. She is deeply entrenched in the commercial, Medicare, Medicaid and Marketplace quality space that includes strategy and execution … Read More