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The Medicaid Pivot: New Developments in Section 1115 Demonstration Policy

This week, our In Focus section examines new federal policy developments affecting Medicaid Section 1115 demonstrations. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), on March 4, 2025, rescinded two guidance letters issued by the prior Presidential Administration that defined and provided the framework for state Medicaid programs to cover health-related social needs (HRSNs) using Section 1115 authority.

Though specific Medicaid priorities under the Trump Administration are nascent, Health Management Associates’ federal and state experts are monitoring these developments. This article describes the withdrawn policy, known implications for states with approved and pending proposals, and the imperative to plan for a variety of scenarios and future opportunities.

Background on HRSN Initiative in Section 1115 Demonstrations

CMS-approved Section 1115 demonstrations allow states to pilot alternative methods to improve the accessibility, coverage, financing, and delivery of healthcare services under joint federal-state funded programs, specifically Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Addressing health disparities and promoting integrated care in Medicaid became a key focus of the Biden Administration. In November 2023, CMS introduced a Medicaid and CHIP Health-Related Social Needs Framework, giving state Medicaid agencies the opportunity to address the broader social determinants of health (SDOH) that affect their enrollees, leading to better health outcomes. The agency published an update to the guidance in December 2024. The new initiatives were not intended to replace other federal, state, and local social service programs, but rather to coordinate with those efforts.

Key Takeaways for States

The following critical components of the March 2025 announcement and the present policy landscape should inform state Medicaid agency and stakeholder response and future planning work.

First, this guidance does not affect states with a current, active Section 1115 demonstration, state plan, or 1915 waiver programs that include HRSN. States with HRSN demonstrations will maintain their approved programs; however, states and their partners should prepare for shifts in federal reporting, oversight, and evaluation expectations. Separately, states may wish to re-evaluate their resource allocation and consider adjustments that may be needed to better align with a new federal policy environment.

States seeking any amendment or extension of their demonstration program—even if unrelated to HRSN—should expect this activity to trigger a CMS review of the HRSN component of the 1115. States will need to consider the strategic advantages and necessity of such requests relative to the implications to their HRSN initiative. They also should consider planning for nonrenewal of their HRSN programs in advance of the demonstration’s current expiration date.

Pending state HRSN Section 1115 demonstration proposals are not expected to be approved. The Section 1115 option for federal matching funds to provide up to six months of housing supports, nutrition supports, and associated infrastructure capacity funding no longer aligns with the Trump Administration’s objectives for Medicaid and CHIP. Stakeholders interested in these concepts should consider alternative strategies and investment options.

What to Watch

Notably, CMS did not rescind the 2021 State Health Official Letter RE: Opportunities in Medicaid and CHIP to Address Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) (SHO# 21-001) published during the first Trump Administration. States and their partners should monitor CMS’s actions and signals for the agency’s posture toward SDOH proposals.

A new group of states proposing alternative and revised demonstration concepts and innovations is likely to emerge. These states may provide early signals of the nature and breadth of the Section 1115 demonstrations CMS is willing to consider. With regard to SDOH, states and their partners should consider aligning proposals with the approaches outlined in the 2021 guidance for regular federal program authorities (e.g., 1915(i) state plan options, 1915(c) waiver options) as well as certain managed care authorities.

In addition, states and Medicaid stakeholders should watch for other Medicaid and CHIP policy priorities advanced through demonstration and other authorities, including efforts to address substance use disorders (SUD) and reentry initiatives that focus on supporting individuals who are transitioning from incarceration back into society. SUD and reentry initiatives can intersect with Section 1115 demonstrations and other authorities, such as managed care, in a variety of ways. The intersection of these issues can provide another area of common ground and opportunity to continue work on state reentry initiatives, though likely with new and modified federal parameters.

Connect With Us

HMA is monitoring other developments in Congress and from the White House and agencies affecting federal Medicaid and CHIP policy changes. The complexity and nuances associated with potential future statutory and regulatory changes necessitate thoughtful and immediate impact analysis, scenario planning, and preparations that will allow organizations to pivot if and when policy changes occur. HMA colleagues have expertise in all of the components critical to staying informed, engaged, and prepared for changes to Section 1115 programs—from the policy knowledge to actuarial/budgeting talent, to communications and project management skills, as well as the necessary IT infrastructure.

For questions about these developments and your organization’s plan to adapt to new federal Medicaid policy priorities, contact our featured experts below. 

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Headshot of Tonya Moore

Tonya Moore, JD

Associate Principal
Baltimore, MD
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Carter Kimble, MPH

Austin, TX
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