This week's roundup:
- In Focus: Proposed Changes to Opioid Treatment: What They Will Mean for Providers, Payers, and Regulators
- Save the Date: HMA Spring Workshop on Implementing Value-Based Care
- Alabama Receives Approval for Community-Based Mobile Crisis Services SPA
- Arizona Requests Section 1115 Waiver Amendment to Raise CHIP Eligibility Threshold
- California Governor Signs Bill to Simplify Billing, Increase Access for Medicaid School-based Health Programs
- Florida Bills Would Remove Step Therapy Requirement for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Mental Illness
- Georgia Legislators Discuss Coupling Full Medicaid Expansion, Relaxation of Certificate-of-Need Requirements
- Idaho Releases MMIS System Integrator Technical Advisory Services RFP
- Nevada Submits Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver Application For Market Stabilization, Public Option Program.
- New York Essential Plan Expansion Implementation Delayed to April 2024
- North Carolina Hospitals Will Receive $2.6 Billion As State Prepares to Start Medicaid Expansion
- North Dakota Seeks Public Comments on Medicaid Quality Strategy Plan
- Tennessee to Renew Existing TennCare Medicaid Managed Care Contracts for Now
- Wisconsin Insurers Fail to Meet Federal Access Standards for Exchange Program, Report Finds
- Average Time Spent on Medicaid HCBS Waiting Lists Has Decreased Since 2021
- ACA Exchange Enrollment Approaches 4.6 Million Through Three Weeks of Open Enrollment
- Medicare, Medicaid Improper Payment Rates Driven by Documentation Errors in Fiscal 2023, CMS Finds
- CMS Launches Medicare GUIDE Model Application
- CMS Issues Proposed Rule to Ensure Network Adequacy Standards For State-run Exchange Plans
- Humana, Cigna in Talks to Merge by End of Year
In Focus
Proposed Changes to Opioid Treatment: What They Will Mean for Providers, Payers, and Regulators
After more than two decades, SAMHSA and its Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) is revisiting regulations governing opioid treatment programs (OTPs), as required by the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act passed by Congress. These new federal rules around treatment will change how medications are delivered to persons with opioid use disorder (OUD), offering opioid treatment centers a unique opportunity to advance person-centered care, and can build on the lessons learned from the flexibilities offered during the public health emergency.
This is a real opportunity to change how care is delivered. It will increase access to lifesaving medications, including:
- A change in take-home schedules, which will allow for additional take-home medications sooner in the treatment process to reduce the burden of coming to the program daily, alleviating transportation challenges and the disruption of work and family routines.
- Emphasizing and codifying the importance of harm reduction.
- Clarifying diagnoses required for admission to be active moderate-to-severe OUD, OUD in remission, or at high risk for recurrence or overdose.
- Removing access barriers for persons under 18; expanding use of telehealth; and finally, expanding interim maintenance dosing up to 180 days in a 12-month period.
These new changes will help alleviate admission barriers caused by workforce shortages and allow patients better access to medication and treatment. The increase in use of telehealth combined with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) will remove time and travel barriers for treatment, allowing persons treated with methadone and buprenorphine, including new persons, to be treated remotely.
What does this mean for the field?
OTPs have historically been reimbursed based on volume, with daily attendance as a steady source of revenue and a “captive” audience for counseling services. For persons with OUD to feel the full benefits of the new rule, changes will need to be made at all levels:
- OTPs will need to rethink their clinical models to develop a service mix driven by a person’s need as opposed to regulations. Engagement will drive attendance, outcomes and thus revenue. Additionally, there will be a need to:
- Retrain staff.
- Work with medical team to develop new clinical protocols.
- Structure revenue cycle management processes and business models of service delivery.
- Regulators will need to adapt state licensing rules and re-train licensing staff.
- Payers have an opportunity to move Value-Based Payment (VBP) more steadily into the OUD treatment space and will need to realign payment structures to incentivize providers to provide care according to a person’s need.
If you want to learn more about the changes ahead, HMA hosted a 3-part webinar series on the effect of proposed regulations on delivery of opioid treatment services. The series New Rules in Treatment of Opioid Addiction was aimed at helping stakeholders prepare for and adapt to these changes to ensure a successful transition for the people they serve. Our series focuses on three areas where changes can help those managing OUD:
- How do OTPs deliver services to better support persons with OUD?
- How do payers create the right financial incentives to help providers deliver better behavioral health solutions for OUD?
- How do state regulators make changes to rules and laws to promote a treatment system that prioritizes a person’s health and recovery?
Watch here:
Part 1 Opioid Treatment Providers
Part 2 Opioid State Payers – Aligning Incentives for Treatment
Part 3 Opportunities for State Regulators to Shape Policy and Regulation of Treatment
For more information, please contact Debbi Witham, Rachel Bembas, Boyd Brown, Kamala Greene Génecé, Caprice Knapp, Marc Richman, or Shannon Robinson.
Save the Date: HMA Spring Workshop on Implementing Value-Based Care
Welcome Event: Evening of March 5
Workshop: March 6
Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park
Mark your calendar for HMA’s 2024 Spring Workshop! The event will begin the evening of March 5 with a welcome reception to network and set the stage for our action-oriented workshop. March 6 will be a full day of sessions focused on identifying thorny issues, working through challenges, and accelerating actions within and among organizations adapting to value-based care. Our expert-led workshops and peer-to-peer learning sessions will examine multi-sector strategies and tools to assess where your organization currently sits in the spectrum of value and incorporate innovative concepts and collaborations to get to where you need to be in the future.
Who Should Attend?
Executives and leaders from provider organizations, federal, state and local government entities, payers, vendors, and community-based organizations will benefit from attending this event.
More Details Coming Soon.
Sponsorships and group discounts are available.
For additional information, contact
Andrea Maresca, [email protected]
HMA Roundup
Alabama Receives Approval for Community-Based Mobile Crisis Services SPA. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced on November 20, 2023, that it has approved the Alabama community-based mobile crisis state plan amendment (SPA). The state can now utilize federal Medicaid funding to create mobile intervention teams to provide Medicaid crisis services 24/7 to eligible youth and adults experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. Read More
Alabama Awards General Dynamics Contract for Medicaid Enterprise System Redesign. HIT Consultant reported on November 17, 2023, that the Alabama Medicaid Agency has awarded General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) a $63 million contract to help the state transition to a modular Medicaid Enterprise System (MES), including technology designed to streamline processes, enhance data interoperability, and improve overall service delivery. The contract is for two years, with three additional two-year renewal options. Read More
Arizona Requests Section 1115 Waiver Amendment to Raise CHIP Eligibility Threshold. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced on November 20, 2023, that Arizona submitted a request to amend its Health Care Cost Containment System Section 1115 demonstration program to raise the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility thresholds from 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) to 225 percent FPL. Public comments will be accepted through December 20, 2023. Read More
California Governor Signs Bill to Simplify Billing, Increase Access for Medicaid School-based Health Programs. The Sierra Sun Times reported on November 18, 2023, that California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill (AB 483) that will streamline the Local Education Agency Billing Option Program (LEA BOP), which reimburses LEAs for the federal share of services provided to Medi-Cal eligible students. State officials expect that easing the administrative burdens for schools to participate in LEA BOP will expand access to several student health and mental health services. Currently, about one-half of all California LEAs participate in the LEA BOP program and receive less in Medicaid reimbursement than other states, in part due to administrative requirements. Read More
California Revises Prior Authorization Policies for Diabetes Medications, Supplies. KFF Health News reported on November 17, 2023, that the California Medicaid program (Medi-Cal) has revised its prior authorization policy for diabetes medications and supplies, making approvals valid for one year and allowing patients to obtain a 90-day supply. Medi-Cal will also now permit prior authorization approvals by phone or video. Read More
Delaware Fiscal 2025 Budget Requests Include Additional Medicaid Funding, Workforce Support. Delaware Public Media reported on November 19, 2023, that the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) has requested about $79.5 million to support the state Medicaid program after the loss of additional federal funding during the COVID-19 public health emergency. DHSS also requested $1.3 million to provide additional personal attendant services for those with disabilities or above age 60. Read More
Florida Agency Sent $145 Million in Unspent Funds Intended for Disability Services Back to State Coffers. The Orlando Sentinel reported on November 17, 2023, that Florida’s Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) had $287 million in unspent state funds for disability services over the past two years, according to a budget analysis conducted by The ARC of Florida. The APD reported that it returned $145 million of the unspent funds to the state coffers. Read More
Florida Bills Would Remove Step Therapy Requirement for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Mental Illness. Health News Florida reported on November 17, 2023, that Florida Representative Karen Gonzalez Pittman (R-Tampa) filed a bill for the 2024 legislative session that would permit Medicaid beneficiaries with serious mental illness to avoid step therapy. Senator Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart) filed a similar bill in the Senate, which was subsequently referred to the Health Policy and Fiscal Policy Committees last month. If passed, the legislation would require the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration to adjust rates paid to managed care plans accordingly. Read More
Medicaid Redeterminations Lawsuit Is Scheduled for Arguments in December. Health News Florida reported on November 16, 2023, that a federal judge will hear arguments on December 5 in a lawsuit seeking to pause Florida Medicaid eligibility redeterminations and to reinstate coverage for disenrolled beneficiaries. The plaintiffs are also seeking class-action status. The lawsuit, which was filed in August 2023, argues that the state failed to provide enough clear information to beneficiaries about the redetermination process. Read More
Florida Disenrolls 56,010 Medicaid Beneficiaries During October Redeterminations. Health News Florida reported on November 16, 2023, that Florida disenrolled 56,010 Medicaid beneficiaries in October. The state has disenrolled a total of more than 670,000 enrollees since redeterminations began in April. Read More
Georgia Legislators Discuss Coupling Full Medicaid Expansion, Relaxation of Certificate-of-Need Requirements. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on November 17, 2023, that Georgia legislators held a hearing to discuss a proposal to couple full Medicaid expansion with easing certificate-of-need (CON) rules. Topics at the hearing included potential financial impacts of Medicaid expansion and CON rules, particularly for the stability of rural hospitals. Read More
Idaho Releases MMIS System Integrator Technical Advisory Services RFP. The Idaho Division of Purchasing for the Department of Health and Welfare released on November 16, 2023, a request for proposals (RFP) seeking a vendor to provide System Integrator Technical Advisory professional services to support the state’s new modular solution Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) procurement. The contractor is expected to develop a framework for MMIS modernization and ensure implementation and integration of the new system. Responses are due January 5, 2024. The contract will last for four years, with a maximum term length of eight years. Read More
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Director Dave Jeppesen to Retire. The Idaho Capital Sun reported on November 15, 2023, that Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) director Dave Jeppesen will retire at the end of 2023. Idaho Department of Insurance (DOI) director Dean Cameron will serve as interim director of DHW, while the state searches for a permanent replacement. Cameron will also maintain his role as DOI director. Read More
Indiana Medicaid Oversight Committee Defers Making Recommendations Ahead of 2024 Legislative Session. WBAA News reported on November 15, 2023, that the Indiana legislature’s Medicaid Oversight Committee, chaired by Senator Ryan Mishler (R-Mishawaka), did not include recommendations in its final report after hearing testimony on several aspects of the program. The chair signaled that its findings may be used to inform recommendations for the 2025 state budget. Read More
Louisiana Department of Health Met More Than 90 Percent of FY 2023 Goals and Deliverables, Report Finds. The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) released on November 27, 2023, its annual Outcomes Report, which found that LDH successfully completed 91.1 percent of the 45 goals and 92.5 percent of the 235 deliverables detailed in the fiscal 2023 LDH Business Plan. The goals include efforts to address chronic disease, improve maternal health and services for those with developmental disabilities, and expand behavioral health care. Read More
Massachusetts Disenrolls 87,914 Medicaid Beneficiaries During October Redeterminations. WBUR reported on November 29, 2023, that Massachusetts disenrolled 87,914 Medicaid beneficiaries following October redeterminations. The state has renewed coverage for 90,600 beneficiaries. Massachusetts combined Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program rolls have dropped by a total of 112,000, since redeterminations began in April while enrollment through the state’s Exchange program has increased by 38,000 during that time. Read More
Minnesota Disenrolls 119,942 Million Medicaid Beneficiaries Following Redeterminations from July Through September. State of Reform reported on November 27, 2023, that Minnesota has disenrolled a total of 119,942 Medicaid beneficiaries, with 42 percent of those disenrolled being children, following eligibility redeterminations from July through September 2023. Of those disenrolled, about 97,324 were due to procedural reasons. The state has renewed Medicaid coverage for 377,227 individuals since July and identified more than 23,100 eligible for exchange coverage. Read More
Montana Medicaid Disenrolls 104,097 Beneficiaries. KTVH reported on November 28, 2023, that Montana has disenrolled 104,097 Medicaid beneficiaries during redeterminations from April through October. Of those disenrolled, 65,897 were due to procedural reasons. Read More
Nebraska Total Care/Centene Appoints Adam Proctor as Plan President, CEO. Nebraska Total Care, a subsidiary of Centene, announced on November 16, 2023, that it has appointed Adam Proctor as plan president and chief executive officer, effective November 19, 2023. Proctor most recently served as Nebraska Total Care’s chief operations officer. Read More
Nevada Submits Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver Application For Market Stabilization, Public Option Program. The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services released on November 20, 2023, a Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver application to establish a Market Stabilization program and a new Public Option program with coverage options referred to as the Battle Born State Plans (BBSPs), which will be certified as Qualified Health Plans (QHPs). The Market Stabilization Program aims to mitigate any unexpected risks or impacts to carriers through a state-based reinsurance program; an annual bonus payment program for health insurance carriers that improve health outcomes and quality of care; and a loan repayment program to support health care providers committed to practicing in Nevada for at least four years. Public comments will be accepted through December 20, 2023. Read More
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Seeks Feedback on Medicaid Long-term Services and Supports Programs. New Hampshire Bulletin reported on November 28, 2023, that the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services is seeking feedback to improve its Medicaid long-term services and supports programs for older individuals and people with disabilities. Among the programs under review is the Medicaid-funded Choices for Independence, which received a 42 percent reimbursement rate increase in 2023. Public comment sessions will be held in December and a report with recommendations for improvement is expected in June 2024. Read More
New Hampshire Extends Postpartum Coverage to 12 Months. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved on November 3, 2023, New Hampshire’s state plan amendment to extend postpartum Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program coverage to 12 months. The amendment has an effective date of October 1, 2023. Read More
New Jersey
New Jersey Governor Requests More Time to Implement Community-based Palliative Care Services in Medicaid Program. The Office of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced on November 20, 2023, that the governor requested the General Assembly modify a bill (AB 5225) that would provide Medicaid beneficiaries with community-based palliative care services. While supportive of the addition of services, the governor recommended providing the Department of Health Services with two years to design a comprehensive, high quality, and equitable benefit and to secure necessary federal approvals. Read More
New York
New York Essential Plan Expansion Implementation Delayed to April 2024. Politico Pro reported on November 11, 2023, that New York State submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services an updated application for a Section 1332 Innovation Waiver for the state’s Essential Plan to provide coverage to residents with income between 200 and 250 percent of the federal poverty level. The state proposes to revise the Essential Plan start date to April 1, 2024, at the earliest. The updated application also would eliminate the earlier proposal for a $15 monthly member premium for the Essential Plan expansion group. Read More
New York City Selects TalkSpace to Provide Mental Health Services to Teens. Becker’s Behavioral Health reported on November 22, 2023, that New York City will pay online therapy provider TalkSpace $26 million over three years to provide virtual mental health services at no cost to residents aged 13 to 17. The platform, which facilitates messaging and video visits, is expected to expand access to behavioral health care to between 400,000 and 500,000 residents. Read More
North Carolina
North Carolina Seeks Five-year Extension of Medicaid Reform Section 1115 Waiver. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on November 20, 2023, that North Carolina submitted an application seeking a five-year extension of the North Carolina Medicaid Reform Section 1115 demonstration program, which aims to create a system of care that broadens health access and reduces disparities for historically marginalized populations. Specifically, the request extends managed care authorities, expands the Healthy Opportunities Pilot program, and establishes four new initiatives intended to streamline Medicaid enrollment for youth, improve care for justice-involved individuals, and invest in behavioral health. The federal comment period will be open through December 20, 2023. Read More
Hospitals Will Receive $2.6 Billion As State Prepares to Start Medicaid Expansion. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced on November 27, 2023, that 102 hospitals are eligible to receive payments from the $2.6 billion Healthcare Access and Stabilization Program (HASP). The state is launching HASP in conjunction with the start of its Medicaid expansion program. The programs are financed through new assessments on North Carolina hospitals, making the state eligible for $8 billion in federal funding annually. HASP payments will be distributed to hospitals based on in-network Medicaid managed care payments. Read More
North Carolina to Raise Medicaid Behavioral Health Reimbursement Rates in January. North Carolina Health News reported on November 17, 2023, that the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will raise minimum reimbursement rates for Medicaid behavioral health providers for the first time since 2012 ahead of the state’s upcoming launch of Medicaid expansion in December. The new rates will take effect on January 1, 2024, and raise payments to behavioral health facilities from less than $500 to nearly $900 a day, double psychological assessment reimbursement, and increase inpatient psychiatric care reimbursement by 30 percent. The increase would impact fee-for-service and managed care rates. Read More
North Dakota
North Dakota to End Medicaid Primary Care Case Management Program in 2024. The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services announced on November 16, 2023, that it will officially end its Medicaid Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) program as early as January 1, 2024. The state enacted legislation earlier this year to end the program. PCCM members will be transitioned to fee-for-service Medicaid. Read More
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Releases RFP for Vendor to Improve Awareness of Medicaid Renewals, Mobile App. The Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services released on November 15, 2023, a request for proposals (RFP) for a vendor to develop and manage various media buys for two public awareness campaigns to (1) promote awareness that Medicaid renewals have returned and encouraging beneficiaries to update their contact information; and (2) raise awareness of the Healthy Rhode mobile app to aid beneficiaries in managing benefits. Responses are due December 14. The release of the RFP coincides with WJAR’s coverage on November 15, 2023, that Medicaid renewals for more than 75,000 households with children under age 19 will restart in December and last until April 2024. Read More
Tennessee to Renew Existing TennCare Medicaid Managed Care Contracts for Now. Tennessee Lookout reported on November 15, 2023, that Tennessee will renew existing TennCare Medicaid managed care contracts with three incumbent plans, rather than initiate new contracts awarded in 2021, pending the outcome of a lawsuit filed by Centene. Incumbents Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, UnitedHealthcare, and Elevance/Amerigroup were awarded the new contracts. Centene, which was the only other bidder, did not win a contract. Read More
Tennessee Requests Section 1115 Waiver Amendment to Expand Caretaker Coverage, HCBS Services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced on November 24, 2023, that Tennessee submitted for federal approval a request to amend its Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration entitled “TennCare III,” which would expand coverage of parents and caretaker relatives of dependent children, cover a supply of diapers for infants and children enrolled in TennCare, and enhance the home and community-based services (HCBS) available to individuals with disabilities. The federal comment period will be open from through December 23, 2023. Read More
Tennessee Crisis Wellness Center Receives Additional Funds. Becker’s Behavioral Health reported on November 22, 2023, that the Memphis City Council granted Alliance Healthcare Services $1 million to support construction of a Crisis Wellness Center, which will allow Memphis first responders to immediately connect individuals with behavioral health services beginning in January 2025. The center has also received $24.5 million from the state and philanthropies. Read More
Texas Medicaid Disenrolled 1.4 Million, Including Over 812,000 Children. The Dallas Morning News reported on November 27, 2023, that Texas has disenrolled 1.4 million Medicaid beneficiaries, including at least 812,000 children since Medicaid eligibility redeterminations began in April. Nearly 70 percent of those disenrolled lost coverage for procedural reasons. The state has renewed coverage for almost 760,000 beneficiaries, and renewal decisions are pending for almost one quarter of individuals. Read More
Texas to Build Three Hospitals Aimed At Boosting Rural Mental Healthcare Access. The Texas Tribune reported on November 27, 2023, that Texas will build hospitals in Lubbock, the Permian Basin, and Amarillo as part of a plan to boost mental health care access, including in rural areas of the state. The Amarillo hospital alone is expected increase mental health care access to nearly 436,000 people living in northern rural areas of the state. Read More
Texas Suit Alleges Pfizer, Tris Pharma Inappropriately Provided Adulterated Drug to Children Enrolled in Medicaid. The Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced on November 20, 2023, that its Civil Medicaid Fraud Division is suing Pfizer and Tris Pharma for violating the Texas Health Care Program Fraud Prevention Act. The state claims that Pfizer and Tris knowingly provided Texas children enrolled in Medicaid with the ADHD drug Quillivant, which failed quality control tests due to flawed manufacturing. Between 2012 and 2018, Tris allegedly altered testing methods to circumvent regulatory measures and Pfizer concealed lack of compliance with federal and state law, while both companies continued to receive Medicaid reimbursement for Quillivant. Read More
Utah Medicaid Disenrollments Top 130,000, With 30 Percent Remaining Uninsured. The Standard-Examiner reported on November 26, 2023, that Utah has disenrolled more than 130,000 Medicaid beneficiaries since redeterminations began in April. A Utah Medicaid agency survey of more than 1,000 of those disenrolled found that about two-thirds found other insurance, while about 30 percent were left uninsured. Read More
West Virginia
West Virginia Selects Acentra Health to Provide Medicaid UM Services. WashingtonExec reported on November 15, 2023, that the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources awarded Acentra Health a five-year contract to continue to deliver assessment and utilization management services for children and adults enrolled in the state’s Medicaid fee-for-service and waiver programs. Specifically, Acentra will aid in development and management of programs offered via the Bureaus for Social Services, Behavioral Health, and Medical Services, and the West Virginia Children’s Health Insurance Program. Read More
Wisconsin Insurers Fail to Meet Federal Access Standards for Exchange Program, Report Finds. The Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance released on November 27, 2023, a report that found that Exchange health plans in 52 Wisconsin counties (73 percent), on average, do not meet the pediatric primary care access standards for exchange programs set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and networks in 34 counties do not meet the federal exchange program standards for access to obstetrics and gynecology providers. The report also found that nine plans do not meet the federal access standards for outpatient behavioral health services. Read More
Average Time Spent on Medicaid HCBS Waiting Lists Has Decreased Since 2021. KFF reported on November 29, 2023, that the average time spent on waiting lists for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) programs decreased from 45 months in 2021 to 36 months in 2023. Over 80 percent of people on HCBS waiting lists are eligible for personal care or other state plan services. Most individuals on waiting lists for Medicaid HCBS have intellectual or developmental disabilities and reside in states that do not screen for program eligibility prior to addition to the waitlist. Waiting list numbers grew in 18 states between 2021 and 2023 and decreased in 16. Read More
Medicaid Enrollees Report Relatively Worse Health Status, But Positive Experience with Medicaid, KFF Survey Finds. KFF on November 27, 2023, released results from its 2023 Consumer Experiences with Health Insurance survey, which found that Medicaid enrollees are more likely to rate their health status as fair or poor compared to adults with Medicare or Exchange coverage. The vast majority of Medicaid enrollees (83 percent), however, rated their overall experience with Medicaid positively. Medicaid enrollees were more likely to report problems with access and quality for mental health providers, finding available providers, and prior authorization. Read More
Non-profit Hospitals Provided Less Charity Care Amid COVID-Related Increases in Operating Costs. Modern Healthcare reported on November 27, 2023, that non-profit hospitals provided less charity care during the COVID-19 pandemic amid rising costs. Between 2020 and 2022, the percentage of operating expenses regarding free or discounted care within non-profit hospitals decreased from 1.21 percent to 0.99 percent, while median operating costs increased approximately 20 percent. In 2023, hospitals are beginning to report an increase in charity care expenses that corresponds with the restart of Medicaid disenrollments. Read More
ACA Exchange Enrollment Approaches 4.6 Million Through Three Weeks of Open Enrollment. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced on November 21, 2023, that nearly 4.6 million people selected an Affordable Care Act (ACA) Exchange plan during the first three weeks of 2024 open enrollment. About 920,000 consumers are new to the Exchange, and about 3.7 million are return customers. Overall, data show significant Exchange enrollment increases in 2023. Read More
Medicaid Disenrollments Near 11 Million Following Redeterminations. KFF reported on November 21, 2023, that approximately 10.9 million Medicaid enrollees have been disenrolled since eligibility redeterminations resumed earlier this year. Disenrollment rates varied widely between states, ranging from 64 percent in Texas to 10 percent in Illinois and Maine. Approximately 71 percent of people have been disenrolled for procedural reasons across all states with available data. Read More
Medicare, Medicaid Improper Payment Rates Driven by Documentation Errors in Fiscal 2023, CMS Finds. Fierce Healthcare reported on November 20, 2023, that the fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare improper payment rate was 7.38 percent, or $31.2 billion, in fiscal year 2023, which represents potential fraud, overpayments, underpayments, or improper reimbursement due to the provider not submitting the correct documentation, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The national Medicaid improper payment rate was 8.53 percent, or $50.3 billion, in FY 2023. Lack of sufficient documentation accounted for 66.5 percent of FFS Medicare improper payments and 82 percent of the national Medicaid improper payments. Read More
Congress Approves Second Short-Term Funding Measure. Modern Healthcare reported on November 16, 2023, that Congress agreed to another short-term federal spending deal that will continue funding healthcare programs, including federally qualified health centers, until January 19. Congress is considering separate legislation to set higher mandatory, multi-year funding for health centers. Read More
CMS Launches Medicare GUIDE Model Application. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released on November 15, 2023, a request for applications (RFA) for the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model, which will test an alternative payment for participants to deliver supportive services to Medicare beneficiaries with dementia. The GUIDE model, which will run for eight years, includes care management and coordination plans, caregiver education and support, and GUIDE Respite Services. Applications are due January 30, 2024, awards are anticipated in spring 2024, and the model will launch on July 1, 2024. Read More
CMS Issues Draft 2025 Actuarial Value Calculator Methodology for Individual, Small Group Plans. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released on November 15, 2023, the draft 2025 actuarial value (AV) calculator for individual and small group plans both on and off-Exchange, which includes changes to the annual limitation on cost sharing, updates to the set of codes used to identify the preventive care category, and updates to the demographic weights used in constructing the AV calculator’s continuance tables for the individual market. For 2025, the calculator applies a one-year projection factor of 6.40 percent for medical costs and 9.90 percent for drugs costs. Comments will be accepted through January 2, 2024. Read More
CMS Issues Proposed Rule to Ensure Network Adequacy Standards For State-run Exchange Plans. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on November 15, 2023, a proposed rule aimed at raising network adequacy standards for state-based Exchange plans among other changes for health plans, agents and brokers. Along with requiring state-based Exchanges to have the same network time and distance standards as the federal Exchanges, the proposals provide states with greater flexibility to determine financial eligibility policies which could allow for targeted expansions of Medicaid coverage; allow state-run exchanges to require insurers to cover adult dental care as an essential health benefit; and require a transition period before states can establish a state-based marketplace. The changes are included in the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters (Payment Notice) proposed rule for 2025. Read More
Industry News
Humana, Cigna in Talks to Merge by End of Year. Health Payer Specialist reported on November 29, 2023, that Cigna and Humana are looking to merge in a stock-and-cash deal by the end of the year. Cigna’s pharmacy benefit manager business, Express Scripts, would be joined with Humana’s Medicare Advantage business. The merger could give Humana and Cigna the scale to rival UnitedHealth Group and CVS Health. Read More
Tenet Health to Sell Three SC-based Hospitals to Novant Health for $2.4 Billion. Tenet Healthcare Corporation announced on November 17, 2023, a definitive agreement to sell three South Carolina-based hospitals and related operations to Novant Health for $2.4 billion in cash. The transaction, which is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024, will include Coastal Carolina Hospital in Jasper County, Hilton Head Hospital in Beaufort County, East Cooper Medical Center in Charleston County, and other affiliated physician practices and hospital operations. As part of the deal, Tenet’s Conifer Health Solutions subsidiary will enter into a 15-year contract to handle revenue cycle management for the South Carolina hospitals. Tenet will retain its ambulatory facilities operated by United Surgical Partners International (USPI) in these markets. Read More
Colorado Behavioral Health Centers Wellpower, Jefferson Center to Merge. Denver-based community mental health center WellPower announced on November 16, 2023, that it will merge with Jefferson Center, effective July 1, 2024. The joint non-profit will operate under the WellPower name. Chief executive of Jefferson Center Kiara Kuenzeler will serve as the president and chief executive of the new organization. Read More
AltaMed Acquires CA-based FQHC ChapCare. AltaMed Health Services Corporation, announced on November 1, 2023, that it has acquired Community Health Alliance of Pasadena (also known as ChapCare), which includes eight clinics that serve approximately 18,000 patients in California. Both organizations are federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). The acquired entity will operate as “ChapCare by AltaMed,” and will increase ChapCare patient access to pediatric services in Los Angeles and Orange counties. Read More
Fulcrum Equity Partners Acquires Defining Wellness Centers. Fulcrum Equity Partners announced on November 16, 2023, the acquisition of Mississippi-based Defining Wellness Centers, a drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility. In conjunction with the transaction, Drew Rothermel was named chief executive of Defining Wellness Centers. Read More
RFP Calendar
HMA News & Events
Upcoming HMA Webinar:
Collaborating to Improve Children’s Behavioral Health- A Comprehensive Playbook to Fostering Wellbeing in Children. Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 12 p.m. ET. Beyond the statistics lie the stories of countless children and families needing immediate and critical access to behavioral health services and community-based supports. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive cross-system reforms, including policies that promote integrated financing, enhanced care coordination, increased provider collaboration, and bolster upstream prevention efforts. HMA is working with several national partner organizations to prioritize and focus on cross system integrated and interoperable solutions to address the needs of children, youth, and families with complex behavioral health needs.
Health Management Associates (HMA) in partnership with the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD), and Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), and with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs and other funders, developed a multi-state policy lab to be held in February 2024. Applications for state agency participation will be open the week of November 6th. This webinar will share more about the overall effort and for states to hear from this partnership on the importance of collaborating to strengthen the children’s behavioral health system. Click here to register.
Medicaid Data
Medicaid Enrollment:
- Colorado RAE Enrollment is Up 1.2%, Feb-23 Data
- MLRs Average 87.7% at Colorado Medicaid RAEs, 2022 Data
- MLRs Average 89.9% at District of Columbia Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- MLRs Average 78.4% at Georgia Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- MLRs Average 89.6% at Hawaii Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- MLRs Average 87% at Illinois Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- Indiana Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Down 5%, Sep-23 Data
- MLRs at Indiana Medicaid MCOs Average 91.5%, 2022 Data
- MLRs at Kansas Medicaid MCOs Average 82.8%, 2022 Data
- MLRs at Kentucky Medicaid MCOs Average 89.3%, 2022 Data
- MLRs at Louisiana Medicaid MCOs Average 88.8%, 2022 Data
- Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Up 1.2%, Jun-23 Data
- Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Up 2%, May-23 Data
- Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Up 1.6%, Apr-23 Data
- Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Up 1.3%, Mar-23 Data
- Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Up 0.8%, Feb-23 Data
- Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Is Flat, Jan-23 Data
- MLRs Average 84.4% at Maryland Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- MLRs Average 90.4% at Massachusetts Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment is Decreased 3.4%, Oct-23 Data
- MLRs Average 84.3% at Minnesota Medicaid MCOs, 2022 Data
- MLRs at Mississippi Medicaid MCOs Average 87.2%, 2022 Data
- MLRs at Nevada Medicaid MCOs Average 76.8%, 2022 Data
- New Jersey Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment is Down 2.2%, Oct-23 Data
- South Carolina Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment is Down 5.7%, Aug-23 Data
- South Carolina Dual Demo Enrollment is Down 13.9%, Aug-23 Data
Public Documents:
Medicaid RFPs, RFIs, and Contracts:
- Colorado Dental Program and Oral Health Care Network RFP, Aug-23
- Idaho MMIS System Integrator Technical Advisory Services RFP, Nov-23
- Rhode Island Medicaid Renewals and Healthy Rhode Mobile Application RFP, Nov-23
- Rhode Island Medicare Advantage D-SNP Contracts, 2023
Medicaid Program Reports, Data, and Updates:
- Arizona AHCCCS Section 1115 Waiver Documents, 2020-23
- District of Columbia Medicaid Managed Care Capitation Rate Report, FY 2022
- Florida PHE Medicaid Redeterminations Monthly Report to CMS, Sep-23
- Hawaii QUEST Integration Annual CMS Monitoring Report, FY 2019-22
- Indiana Medicaid Oversight Committee Meeting Materials, Nov-23
- Kentucky 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Documents, 2023
- Louisiana Department of Health Outcomes Report, FY 2023
- Louisiana Department of Health Business Plan, FY 2023
- Nevada Market Stabilization Program Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver Application, Nov-23
- North Carolina Medicaid Reform Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Documents, 2017-23
- Ohio Medicaid Managed Care Capitation Rate Certification and Appendices, 2022-23
- Tennessee TennCare III 1115 Waiver Documents, 2021-23
- Texas Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program Demographics, 2016-23
- Texas Children with Special Health Care Needs Client Services Data Report, 2021-23
A subscription to HMA Information Services puts a world of Medicaid information at your fingertips, dramatically simplifying market research for strategic planning in healthcare services. An HMAIS subscription includes:
- State-by-state overviews and analysis of latest data for enrollment, market share, financial performance, utilization metrics and RFPs
- Downloadable ready-to-use charts and graphs
- Excel data packages
- RFP calendar
If you’re interested in becoming an HMAIS subscriber, contact Andrea Maresca at [email protected]