
Pennsylvania releases community HealthChoices (CHC) Medicaid managed care RFA

This In Focus section reviews the request for applications (RFA) that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) released January 30, for the Community HealthChoices (CHC) Program. CHC is the mandatory managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) program, which serves five CHC zones that cover all 67 counties in the commonwealth.   Notably, this procurement, as compared … Read More

HMA Telehealth Series: Telepsychiatry and the Psychiatric Workforce Shortage

This week, HMA principal Lori Raney, MD, provides an overview of telepsychiatry, a type of telemedicine where general psychiatric services are provided via videoconferencing, and how it can play a role in addressing the nationwide psychiatric workforce shortage. Dr. Raney highlights the opportunities for telepsychiatry in the market today, as well as identifies several of … Read More

Relationship-Centered Care: Empathy and Healing

This blog post was authored by HMA clinicians Margaret Kirkegaard, MD, MPH, and Jeffrey Ring, PhD. Patient: I am anxious about my results, Doctor. Doctor: Let’s take a look … Yes, you do indeed have cancer. I will refer you to the surgeon for an evaluation as fast as possible. You must have questions. Patient: … Read More

HMA Authors Report on Digitally Driven Integrated Primary Care and Behavioral Health

This week, our In Focus section highlights an article, Digitally Driven Integrated Primary Care and Behavioral Health: How Technology Can Expand Access to Effective Treatment, published in the Current Psychiatry Report, was co-authored by HMA Principals Lori Raney, MD and David Bergman, MPA, as well as John Torous, MD, and Michael Hasselberg, M.S., Ph.D. Together, they addressed how technology … Read More

Medicaid and Exchange Enrollment Update – September 2018

This week, our In Focus section reviews updated information issued by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Medicaid expansion enrollment from the “September 2018 Medicaid and CHIP Application, Eligibility Determination, and Enrollment Report,” published on November 30, 2018. Additionally, we review 2018 Exchange enrollment data … Read More

Pennsylvania Releases HealthChoices Physical Health RFA

This week, our In Focus section reviews the Pennsylvania HealthChoices Physical Health Medicaid managed care request for applications (RFA), issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services on October 15, 2019. Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) will serve the five HealthChoices zones covering all 67 counties: Southeast, Southwest, Lehigh-Capital, Northwest, and Northeast. Contracts are worth … Read More

Indiana Releases Hoosier Care Connect Managed Care RFP

This week, our In Focus section reviews the Indiana Hoosier Care Connect request for proposals (RFP), issued by the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA), Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) on October 18, 2019. Hoosier Care Connect is the state’s Medicaid managed care program for approximately 90,000 aged, blind, and disabled (ABD) … Read More

Hawaii Releases Quest Integration Reprocurement RFI

This week, our In Focus section reviews the Hawaii request for information (RFI) regarding reprocurement of the state’s QUEST Integration (QI) Medicaid managed care program, released on July 21, 2020. QI covers approximately 360,000 individuals, including pregnant women, children, parents/caretakers, adults, and individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled (ABD). The state had awarded contracts … Read More

California Releases Medi-Cal Managed Care RFI

This week, our In Focus section reviews the California request for information (RFI) regarding the Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan (MCP) contract and the upcoming Medi-Cal MCP procurement. The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is seeking information to update boilerplate contracts and develop the request for proposals (RFP) scheduled for release in 2021.