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HMA Consultants Tapped as Authors for Book About Oregon Healthcare Reforms

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Health Reform Policy to Practice – Oregon’s Path to a Sustainable Health System: A Study in Innovation published by Elsevier Academic Press in August, provides a real-world example of an innovative, successful, and comprehensive Medicaid program redesign conducted by the State of Oregon. HMA colleagues Tina Edlund, Jeanene Smith, Cathy Kaufmann, and Lori Coyner were actively involved in Oregon’s healthcare reform efforts and have authored chapters on the development of Oregon’s metrics and incentive program, its patient-centered primary care medical home program, and its comprehensive system of supports for delivery system transformation.

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Brief & Report

Annual Survey Finds Medicaid Enrollment Growth Slowing, Uptick in Spending Growth


Medicaid Moving Ahead in Uncertain Times: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018

Medicaid enrollment continues to slow in FY 2017 and FY 2018; however, states project an uptick in spending in FY 2018. This is just one finding in the 17th annual 50-state Medicaid Budget Survey conducted by The Kaiser Family Foundation and in collaboration with Health Management Associates (HMA) and the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

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Annual Survey Finds Medicaid Enrollment Growth Slowing, Uptick in Spending Growth

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Medicaid Moving Ahead in Uncertain Times: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018

Medicaid enrollment continues to slow in FY 2017 and FY 2018; however, states project an uptick in spending in FY 2018. This is just one finding in the 17th annual 50-state Medicaid Budget Survey conducted by The Kaiser Family Foundation and in collaboration with Health Management Associates (HMA) and the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

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Senators Murray, Alexander Reach Bipartisan Deal on Health Bill

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This week, our In Focus section reviews the bipartisan health deal reached by Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN), both members of the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (HELP) Committee. Bipartisan talks around a bill to stabilize insurance markets have been ongoing for months, with discussions resuming after the Senate pulled a vote on the Graham-Cassidy reform bill last month. The Murray-Alexander bill, for which a discussion draft has been circulated, seeks to stabilize insurance markets through several key actions around cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments to insurers and Section 1332 waivers, as well as several additional provisions. Below, we provide a summary of the key provisions as they stand.

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Brief & Report

Hospital Charges and Reimbursement for Drugs: Analysis of Markups Relative to Acquisition Cost


Analyses of prescription drug spending trends may not always include the role various parts of the pharmaceutical supply chain play in those trends. This analysis examines hospital charges and reimbursement for 20 drugs for which hospital reimbursement data is provided in the Magellan Rx Management Medical Pharmacy Trend Report™: 2016 Seventh Edition (the Magellan report). Charges were calculated from claims data, as described in the methodology at the end of this report. Magellan reports that prescriptions in the hospital outpatient setting account for 52% of spending on medical-benefit drugs (drugs, typically physician-administered, that are reimbursed under health plans’ medical benefit rather than the pharmacy benefit) for commercial payers.


Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Update – Q3 2017

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This week, our In Focus section reviews recent Medicaid enrollment trends in capitated, risk-based managed care in 27 states.[1] Many state Medicaid agencies elect to post monthly enrollment figures by health plan for their Medicaid managed care population to their websites. This data allows for the timeliest analysis of enrollment trends across states and managed care organizations. Nearly all 27 states have released monthly Medicaid managed care enrollment data through the third quarter (Q3) of 2017. This report reflects the most recent data posted.

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HMA Authors Report on Digitally Driven Integrated Primary Care and Behavioral Health

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This week, our In Focus section highlights an article, Digitally Driven Integrated Primary Care and Behavioral Health: How Technology Can Expand Access to Effective Treatment, published in the Current Psychiatry Report, was co-authored by HMA Principals Lori Raney, MD and David Bergman, MPA, as well as John Torous, MD, and Michael Hasselberg, M.S., Ph.D. Together, they addressed how technology solutions can be utilized for more widespread implementation of effective integrated primary care and behavior health.  

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Review of Medicaid Managed Care Procurement Landscape in 2017

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This week, our In Focus section reviews the Medicaid managed care procurement landscape for 2017, including those requests for proposals (RFPs) and other procurement vehicles that were awarded, are currently out to bid, or are expected to be released before the end of the calendar year. By year’s end, we anticipate there will have been at least 16 procurements awarded or issued this year across 13 states, covering more than 13 million Medicaid or CHIP members, and accounting for more than $76 billion in annual spending when fully implemented.

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Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act (ACA) Repeal-And-Replace Bill

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This week, our In Focus section reviews the bill put forward last week by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). General consensus, the HMA Roundup included, viewed ACA repeal-and-replace efforts as largely defeated at the end of July, with the Senate’s failure to pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act. There is, however, an emerging view, which was shared by several speakers at last week’s HMA conference, that the Graham-Cassidy bill has a real chance of passing the Senate ahead of the September 30 deadline, at which point the reconciliation process expires and a bill would require 60 votes to pass the Senate. Below, we highlight key provisions of the Graham-Cassidy bill that impact federal funding to states, state Medicaid programs, and the Exchange and individual insurance markets, including both a block grant program targeted at higher-income and Medicaid expansion populations and a Medicaid per capita cap funding structure.

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Highlights from HMA Conference on Future of Medicaid

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Last week, our In Focus section provided a recap of the second annual HMA Conference, The Future of Medicaid is Here: Implications for Payers, Providers, and States, held Monday, September 11, and Tuesday, September 12, in Chicago, Illinois. More than 300 leading executives from health plans, providers, state and federal government, community-based organizations, and others in the health care field gathered to address the challenges and opportunities for organizations serving Medicaid and other vulnerable populations given the priorities of the new Administration and Congress.

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New Mexico Issues Centennial Care 2.0 Medicaid Managed Care RFP

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This week, our In Focus section reviews the request for proposals (RFP) released by the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) to reprocure contracts for the state’s Medicaid managed care program in its second phase, Centennial Care 2.0. Centennial Care provides integrated Medicaid managed care coverage, including long-term services and supports (LTSS) and behavioral health, to nearly 700,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in the state, with annual spending of roughly $4.5 billion.

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