Burns Reports

California DDS Vendor Rate Study – Archive

As required by ABX2-1, DDS submitted the results of the vendor rate study to the Legislature in March 2019. This submittal included the following materials:.

The following materials are available for review:

  • The report containing the written summary of the rate study and rate models can be found here.
  • The draft rate models (attachment 1) – which detail the specific assumptions related to direct care worker wages, benefits, and productivity; mileage; program operations; overhead costs; and other factors – can be accessed here.
    • Rate models extracted for each individual regional center can be found here.
  • A report (attachment 2) that describes the methodologies used to establish regional cost adjustment factors can be accessed here.
  • The provider survey materials (attachment 3.1 through 3.6), the analysis and presentation of the provider survey data can be accessed here and here. The provider survey form can be found here and accompanying instructions are here. The specialized therapeutic services survey form can be found here and accompanying instructions are here.
  • The presentation (attachment 4.2) of the consumer and family survey results can be accessed here. The English version of the survey (attachment 4.1) can be found here.
  • The fiscal impact analysis by service code (attachment 5) can be accessed here.
  • A presentation (attachment 6) that provides background on the project, outlines the methodology, and highlights the results can be accessed here.
  • B&A recorded a series of webinars to walk-through the rate study and rate models:
    • This webinar provides background information on the rate study.
    • This webinar covers the key rate model assumptions affecting all rate models, including direct care worker wages, benefits, and productivity; agency program operations and administrative expenses; and regional cost variations.
    • This webinar presents the rate models for personal supports and training services such as independent living, most supported living, personal assistance and respite.
    • This webinar presents the rate models for residential services.
    • This webinar presents the rate models for day, employment, and transportation services.
    • This webinar presents the rate models for professional services such as behavioral supports, medical and clinical services, and infant development programs.
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