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Annual Survey Finds Medicaid Enrollment Growth Slowing, Uptick in Spending Growth

The Kaiser Family Foundation

Medicaid Moving Ahead in Uncertain Times: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018

Medicaid enrollment continues to slow in FY 2017 and FY 2018; however, states project an uptick in spending in FY 2018. This is just one finding in the 17th annual 50-state Medicaid Budget Survey conducted by The Kaiser Family Foundation and in collaboration with Health Management Associates (HMA) and the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

This report highlights overall trends and state-specific information about the various policy and program changes in Medicaid programs in all 50 states. Key findings are presented in the areas of:

  • Eligibility policies
  • Managed care and delivery system reforms
  • Long-term services and supports
  • Provider payment rates and taxes
  • Benefits, prescriptions drugs, and opioid strategies
  • Projections for 2018

HMA’s Kathleen Gifford, Eileen Ellis, Barbara Coulter Edwards, and Aimee Lashbrook authored the report along with Elizabeth Hinton, Larisa Antonisse, Allison Valentine, and Robin Rudowitz of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Two additional issue briefs were developed as well:

Medicaid Enrollment & Spending Growth: FY 2017 & 2018, which provides an analysis of national trends in state Medicaid enrollment and spending.

Allison Valentine and Robin Rudowitz of the Kaiser Family Foundation authored this report.

Putting Medicaid in the Larger Budget Context: An In-Depth Look at Three States in FY 2017 and FY 2018, a collection of three case studies of Medicaid in Nevada, North Carolina and West Virginia.

HMA’s Kathleen Gifford, Eileen Ellis, and Aimee Lashbrook authored this report along with Elizabeth Hinton, Larisa Antonisse, and Allison Valentine of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Contact our experts

Headshot of Kathy Gifford

Kathy Gifford, JD

Indianapolis, IN
Headshot of Aimee Lashbrook

Aimee Lashbrook, JD, MHSA

Associate Principal
Lansing, MI