Burns Reports

Oregon ODDS Review of Payment Approach and Rates for Professional Behavioral Services

The Oregon Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) is in the process of reviewing the approach to paying for Professional Behavior Services. Burns & Associates, a division of Health Management Associates (HMA-Burns), has been contracted to assist with this study.

As part of this study, HMA-Burns is distributing a survey to collect data regarding Professional Behavior Service providers’ operations and structures. The survey is voluntary, but all providers are strongly encouraged to participate as the information collected will be a key consideration in the study.

Data collected through this survey will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating Professional Behavior Services payment structures. Only aggregated data will be reported; no provider-specific information will be published.

Provider Survey

The provider survey instructions can be found here.

The Excel-based provider survey can be found here.

A webinar that walks through the provider survey can be found here.

The deadline for submitting completed surveys is October 30, 2023.

Please submit completed surveys to HMA-Burns at [email protected].