Dianne Neufville
Headshot of Dianne Neufville

Dianne Neufville

Senior Consultant

Health Management Associates

New York, NY

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Dianne Neufville is an innovative leader with experience in strategic planning, program management, marketing research, communications and brand research. She has a proven track record of cultivating long-term, positive relationships with key stakeholders, overseeing a wide range of projects spanning the nonprofit, consumer goods, healthcare, and manufacturing industries.

She has extensive experience collaborating with executive teams to develop, communicate, and monitor an organization’s strategy and influence the decision-making process. She is skilled in operations management, cultural competence marketing management and branding strategy.

Prior to joining HMA, Dianne was regional director for Health Homes of Upstate New York (HHUNY). She developed, implemented, and directed Health Home care management practices across a network of 1,200 care managers and 60 agencies throughout 26 counties in the state of New York. In this role she established indicators for monitoring and evaluating continuous improvement, member satisfaction, utilization, performance management, and care management services across the continuum of care. She also orchestrated administrative and operations management for the HHUNY Management Services Organization (MSO) to ensure that operating practices complied with New York state Health Home standards.

Dianne previously was manager of marketing and strategic initiatives for the New York Care Coordination Program (NYCCP). In this role she collaborated with executives to develop, communicate, and track implementation of NYCCP and HHUNY’s strategy and led NYCCP and HHUNY’s annual strategic planning process.

She received a Master of Business Administration from the City University of New York, Zicklin School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in economics and management from the University of the West Indies. Dianne completed a Healthcare Business Academy Fellowship with Northstar Network and has Non-Profit Management Certification from St. John Fisher College and Marketing Research Certification from the University of Georgia.